• FAQs: 

    1. All tours must be scheduled via phone call.
    2. Upon arrival, all guests must check in at the front office. Guests must present photo ID and receive a visitor pass prior to the start of their tour. 
    3. Visitors must also check out at the front office prior to exiting the building.
    4. We recommend scheduling your tour for sometime between 7:15 AM - 8:00 AM. This allows 5th grade students to tour our building and still be able to make it to their current school without missing valuable class time.  



    Call our counselor, Mr. Sechrist (SEE-crest) at 316-973-4808. Leave a message with the following information: 

    1. Name 
    2. Phone number 
    3. Preferred dates/times (no tours available from 11:15 AM - 12:45 PM)



    1. Families will be led on a tour through our building by a current Allison student. 
    2. At the end of the tour, families will have the opportunity to visit with our counselor, Mr. Sechrist.