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  • Student Bulletin

    Good Morning North High Redhawks

    Today is Tuesday, September 17, 2024 and here is your student bulletin.


    Please stop all movement in the hallways and classrooms.

    Please stand and join me for the Pledge of Allegiance.


    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,

    And to the Republic for which it stands,

    One Nation under God,

    Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.


    Powder Puff  football is October 9th with a bonfire afterwards. GIRLS sign up to play flag football and BOYS sign up to cheer! You will need a t-shirt and permission slip. See Ms. Brandenburg in A310. DEADLINE to sign up is Friday September 20th. This is for Juniors and Seniors ONLY

    Attention, Juniors and Seniors! The CCC invites you to Futures Fair—a one-stop event to explore your postsecondary options after high school. Meet with representatives from over 90 colleges, military branches, technical colleges, and trade schools. If you are interested in attending, stop by the CCC office for registration details. Spots are limited, so be sure to secure your place! More information was sent to your Student email; please see Ms. Schmeidler in D102G for more details.

    Happy start of Hispanic Heritage Month, want to be involved in more Hispanic community events reach out to Ms. Oropeza or Ms. Sanchez our HALO sponsors.  HALO is one of North’s largest and most active organization come be a part of it.

    The Campus Life Club will be hosting their weekly lunch and Bible study Friday, September 20th in F-310.  All students are welcome to join them for barbecued pulled chicken sandwiches and brownies!  Passes can be found on posters throughout the school.”

    National Honor Society members, Due to the scheduling of the college fair today, the NHS meeting is now digital. Please go to the NHS Team and review the PowerPoint. Once you have reviewed it, like the post and it will count as one of your three required meetings for the year. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Sinclair or Mrs. Benton.

    Students, School picture day is coming up on Thursday, Sept 26 and Friday, Sept 27. Freshmen through Juniors will be organized by History classes, and seniors will be organized by their English classes. You will receive order packets for portraits in your History or English class by Friday, Sept 20th. If you would like to order portraits, please bring your order packet to give to the photographer on picture day or order online by following the directions on the packet. For more information, please see Mr. Sinclair in D104 or Mrs. Williamson in F107.

    Attention Juniors and Seniors: the next ACT will be on October 26th, the registration deadline is September 20th. If you have any questions about the ACT or how to register, please stop by and see Mrs. Schmeidler in the CCC in D102G for more information.

    GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) will meet tomorrow, Wednesday and every Wednesday at lunch in F112.  Everyone is welcome.  Any questions please see Mrs. Benton, Ms. Simmons or Mrs. Amstutz.

    North will host the ASVAB test on Wednesday, October 2nd, from 8:30-11:30 AM. More information about the ASVAB and its purpose was sent to your student email with the registration link. If you have any questions about registering or taking the ASVAB, please stop by the CCC and speak to Ms. Schmeidler.


    Lunch Menu of the Day:

    Pizza Hut Pizza, Garden Salad, Parisian Carrots, Flame Roasted Fuji Apples, Fruit & Milk

    Students & staff please know that:

    • You belong
    • You are loved
    • You are important
    • You make a difference

    Have a great day North!  And remember yes you can, si se puede!

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