- Caldwell Elementary
- Caldwell Directory
If you need to reach an individual in our school, please call the main office at 973-0800.
Last Name First Name Email Address Title Building Alvarez Raimundo Maria malvarezraimundo@usd259.net Prekindergarten Caldwell Elementary School Axe Tyler taxe@usd259.net Vocal Music Caldwell Elementary School Balke Stephanie sbalke@usd259.net Interrelated-Elem Caldwell Elementary School Balungcas Jean jbalungcas@usd259.net Interrelated, Elem Caldwell Elementary School Banales Cynthia cbanales@usd259.net Paraeducator Pre-K Caldwell Elementary School Banta Shannon sbanta@usd259.net Fourth Grade Caldwell Elementary School Bartlett Jesse jbartlett1@usd259.net Para Learning Loss LRE Caldwell Elementary School Becker Dionne dbecker@usd259.net First Grade Caldwell Elementary School Bonin Laura lbonin@usd259.net Audiologist Caldwell Elementary School Brown Jeffrey jbrown24@usd259.net Physical Ed Caldwell Elementary School Bullard Susan sbullard@usd259.net Para Title Instruction Support Caldwell Elementary School Coltrain Timothy tcoltrain@usd259.net Physical Ed Caldwell Elementary School CowleyDean Victoria vcowleydean@usd259.net Second Grade Caldwell Elementary School Daman Patricia pdaman@usd259.net Principal Caldwell Elementary School Darrah Angela adarrah@usd259.net Audiologist Caldwell Elementary School Davis-Williams Rachael rwilliams11@usd259.net Library Media Spec, Elem Caldwell Elementary School Dinger Amber adinger@usd259.net Interpreter DHH Caldwell Elementary School Dome Chelsea cdome@usd259.net First Grade Caldwell Elementary School Doshier Stephanie sdoshier@usd259.net ESOL Caldwell Elementary School Drake Allison adrake@usd259.net Asst Principal Caldwell Elementary School Ellsaesser Smith Kandi ksmith14@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Caldwell Elementary School Ferrante Kelly kferrante@usd259.net ESOL Caldwell Elementary School Gilbertson Janaye jgilbertson@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Caldwell Elementary School Ging Mary mging@usd259.net Interrelated-Elem Caldwell Elementary School Guzman Bertilia bguzman@usd259.net Second Grade Caldwell Elementary School Guzman Espinosa Monica mguzmanespinosa@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Caldwell Elementary School Hagerman Karla khagerman@usd259.net Administrative Assistant Caldwell Elementary School Heaton Sandra sheaton@usd259.net Third Grade Caldwell Elementary School Hill Sherrie shill3@usd259.net Administrative Assistant 5 Caldwell Elementary School Hodges Patricia phodges1@usd259.net Custodian 1 Caldwell Elementary School Hutchinson Alex ahutchinson@usd259.net Para Title Instruction Support Caldwell Elementary School Ivy Elizabeth eivy@usd259.net Second Grade Caldwell Elementary School Jackson Jasmine jjackson4@usd259.net Fifth Grade Caldwell Elementary School Jasso Monika mjasso@usd259.net Psychologist-Elem Caldwell Elementary School Johnson Jennifer jjohnson16@usd259.net Interrelated-Elem Caldwell Elementary School Kidd Teresa tkidd@usd259.net ESOL, Newcomer Caldwell Elementary School Kincaid Julian jkincaid@usd259.net Art Caldwell Elementary School Laird Nicole nlaird1@usd259.net Interpreter DHH Caldwell Elementary School Lampe Katrina klampe@usd259.net Hearing Impaired, Elem Caldwell Elementary School Leatherman Janita jleatherman@usd259.net Kindergarten-All Day Caldwell Elementary School Leuci Shanda sleuci@usd259.net Interpreter DHH Caldwell Elementary School Marcellus Sheila smarcellus@usd259.net Kindergarten-All Day Caldwell Elementary School Mason Michelle mmason@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Caldwell Elementary School McClure Amy amcclure1@usd259.net Fifth Grade Caldwell Elementary School McCully Aimee amccully@usd259.net Instructional Coach Elem Caldwell Elementary School Mendez Castaneda Stephany smendezcastaneda@usd259.net Hearing Imp-Elem Caldwell Elementary School Mesa-Johnson Jennifer jjohnson26@usd259.net Vocal Music Caldwell Elementary School Middleton Samantha smiddleton@usd259.net Para Learn Loss High Incidence Caldwell Elementary School Moore Mwasiti mmoore10@usd259.net Custodian 4 Caldwell Elementary School Moreno Vanessa vmoreno@usd259.net Para ESOL Newcomer Caldwell Elementary School