Team Members



    Mrs. Pugh, Mrs. Sherwood, Ms. Griswold

Team Expectations

  • Kindergarten Homework Policy


    • Check your child’s weekly calendar and binder for interactive math activities.


    • Students need a total of 20 minutes of reading each evening.
    • Of those 20 minutes, some can be the student reading to the family and some can be the family reading to the student.
    • Students need to read their solo stories or one page of their most recent magazine every evening.
    • Families must initial the solo stories or magazines to show what was read.


    Helpful Hints:

    • Sit beside your child while they are completing their homework.
    • Don’t just tell your child the answers, ask them what they think and guide them to the answer (example: What do you think that word might be? How could we figure out which group of buttons has the most?).
    • Make it a routine! If you try to do homework the same time (example: after/before dinner) then you probably won’t forget about it!
    • On long weekends or breaks from school, have your child reread some of the older solo stories or magazines for extra fluency practice.



    Kindergarten Behavior Expectations

    We will…

    1. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
    2. Listen and do immediately.
    3. Stay on task during all work times.



    Kindergarten Goals


    1. All letters and sounds.
    2. At the moment, knowing the letters in their name.
    3. Concept of print & word.
    4. Blending CVC words smoothly.
    5. Sight words.
    6. Comprehension- listens to a complete story, retell the story, answer & ask questions.
    7. Independent Readers


    1. Recognize numbers 0-20.
    2. Writing numbers 0-20.
    3. Oral counting to 100.
    4. Representing numbers to 20.
    5. Shapes- Comparing/Contrasting differences for shapes, both 2D and 3D.
    6. Cardinality and conservation.
    7. Subitizing- dice, rekenreks and ten frames.
    8. Add and subtract fluently within five.
    9. Verbally share mathematical thinking and practice(s).


    1. Name- first and last
    2. By end of the year- independently writing a complete sentence.
    3. Sequencing an event.
    4. Opinion writing- justifying their opinion.
    5. Picture illustration matches the sentence written.
    6. Penmanship- legible. 


    1. Speak in complete sentences.
    2. Ask and answer questions.
    3. Taking turns in a conversation.