- Cloud Elementary
- Kindergarten Team
Team Members
Mrs. Pugh, Mrs. Sherwood, Ms. Griswold
Team Expectations
Kindergarten Homework Policy
- Check your child’s weekly calendar and binder for interactive math activities.
- Students need a total of 20 minutes of reading each evening.
- Of those 20 minutes, some can be the student reading to the family and some can be the family reading to the student.
- Students need to read their solo stories or one page of their most recent magazine every evening.
- Families must initial the solo stories or magazines to show what was read.
Helpful Hints:
- Sit beside your child while they are completing their homework.
- Don’t just tell your child the answers, ask them what they think and guide them to the answer (example: What do you think that word might be? How could we figure out which group of buttons has the most?).
- Make it a routine! If you try to do homework the same time (example: after/before dinner) then you probably won’t forget about it!
- On long weekends or breaks from school, have your child reread some of the older solo stories or magazines for extra fluency practice.
Kindergarten Behavior Expectations
We will…
- Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
- Listen and do immediately.
- Stay on task during all work times.
Kindergarten Goals
- All letters and sounds.
- At the moment, knowing the letters in their name.
- Concept of print & word.
- Blending CVC words smoothly.
- Sight words.
- Comprehension- listens to a complete story, retell the story, answer & ask questions.
- Independent Readers
- Recognize numbers 0-20.
- Writing numbers 0-20.
- Oral counting to 100.
- Representing numbers to 20.
- Shapes- Comparing/Contrasting differences for shapes, both 2D and 3D.
- Cardinality and conservation.
- Subitizing- dice, rekenreks and ten frames.
- Add and subtract fluently within five.
- Verbally share mathematical thinking and practice(s).
- Name- first and last
- By end of the year- independently writing a complete sentence.
- Sequencing an event.
- Opinion writing- justifying their opinion.
- Picture illustration matches the sentence written.
- Penmanship- legible.
- Speak in complete sentences.
- Ask and answer questions.
- Taking turns in a conversation.