Team Members




    Ms. Rodriguez, Ms. Sanchez,  Mrs. Rivas

Team Expectations

  • Academic expectations: We expect all students to come to school ready to learn, as well as having homework completed and agendas signed.  It is a Cloud expectation that all students read for 20 minutes everyday at home and complete thier math homework on Tuesday and Thursday.


    Behavior expectations: We expect all students to follow the CHAMPS guidelines for success.  Students can receive S.P.I.R.I.T tickets from any staff member when following the guidelines.


    Attendance expectations: It is crucial that your child be at school on time and stay the whole day EVERYDAY! Classes will receive an egg when the entire class is on time and stays until the end of the day.  Each egg has a letter on it and when the class has collected all the eggs to spell out the word EAGLES, the class will receive a reward.



Team Activites

  • Field trips:

    This year we plan to have guest speakers come to our classrooms to speak to our students.  Some of those speakers may include: the firefighters, humane society, meteorologist, and the Wichita Police Department.  We will also have one field trip in December, to Exploration Place, that will require a small fee.  More information will be sent home as we get closer to the trip.

Team Specials

Team Specials schedule