Parent/Student Handbook
Page Navigation
- Absences/Tardiness
- Address/Telephone Numbers
- Behavior Expectations
- Breakfast/Lunch Program
- Classroom Visitations
- Dismissal During the Day
- Dogs
- Information From the Nurse
- Latchkey Information
- Lost and Found
- Meal Payment Policy
- Money
- PTO and Site Council
- Pupil Progress Reports
- School Hours
- School Parties
- Snacks
- Student Dress Code
- Student Safety To and From School
- Student Schoolwide Expectations
- Telephone/Cell Phones
- Toys, Games, Electronic Devices
- Volunteers
- Weapons
- Caldwell Elementary
- Snacks
Please do not allow your child to bring an individual snack for lunch or to eat throughout the day, unless requested by your child’s teacher. If your child brings an unrequested snack to school it will be taken by staff the first time and returned to the student at the end of the day. If your child continues to bring snacks they will be taken and deposited in the trash.
Por favor, no permita que su hijo traiga un bocadillo (snack) individual para el almuerzo o para comer durante todo el día, salvo que lo solicite el maestro de su hijo. Si su hijo trae un bocadillo no solicitado a la escuela será tomado por el personal la primera vez y devuelto al estudiante al final del día. Si su hijo sigue trayendo bocadillos serán llevados y depositados en la basura.