• Good Apple Awards

    Stan Reeser and Kelly at the Spring 2024 Good Apple Awards

  • Celebrating the contributions of employees

    The Good Apple Award program allows schools and administrative support centers to recognize employees, volunteers and partners who provide exemplary service to the district and its students. Twice each year, principals and selection committees take up the arduous task of reviewing nominations and selecting only three award recipients for their buildings. Award recipients are recognized within their building communities and also by the Wichita Public Schools Board of Education at two special ceremonies each year.

    To nominate a Wichita Public Schools employee or partner for the Good Apple Award, complete a nomination form and a signed letter of recommendation. Submit the nomination materials to the building principal where the nominee works. Principals will facilitate a process to select and recognize the award recipients at their buildings.  

    Anyone - students, volunteers or employees - can nominate someone for the Good Apple Award.

    The nomination window is usually open in the fall (October) and spring (February/March).

  • 2023-24 Award Recognitions


    Fall 2023

    Spring 2024