College Career Center (CCC)
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- Career Planning
Career Planning
Some students come to the CCC asking the question, "How do I know which career is right for me?" Others ask, "Where can I find a job?" Whichever question you ask, this page will help you find the answer! Below are links to explore careers and find a job. Under the "Career Exploration" section, click on the links to take career interest surveys and find out more about which jobs are in demand in Kansas and across the nation. The links under the "Find a Job" section will allow you to search for current job opportunities for both non-graduate and graduated high school students.
Mrs. Lacey recommends that everyone take the Xello test. Xello is a comprehensive personality and learning style test that suggests career pathways based off your answers to their questions. Xello allows you to save careers, schools, and majors that Mrs. Lacey uses to match you with potential scholarships, internships, and career enhancement complete it today!
Career Exploration
My Next Move
My Next Move is a free career interest survey that is good to take if you're not sure where to start looking for a career.
Career One Stop
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, this site is particularly helpful if you have working dilemmas such as a having a criminal background, needing childcare, have a disability, etc.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides the latest statistics concerning pay, growth rate, and training for hundreds of jobs.
Kansas Career Navigator
This website is similiar to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, but it's specific to the state of Kansas.
Find a Job
Kansas Works
Welcome to the one-stop job seeker website for thousands of jobs in Kansas.
Helping Youth Prepare for Employment (HYPE)
This website has application information for all of the Workforce Youth Employments programs, the City of Wichita’s “Way to Work Program” and the YMCA’s ”Job Prep” programs.
Flint Hills Job Corp
This organization provides free technical career education and job placement for low-income individuals.
Job Search Tips for High School Students
Check out Zippa's website which details school year and summer jobs for high school students.