• Attendance = Opportunities 


    Attendance = Opportunities missing even a few days can have a big impact on their opportunity to become future ready

  • Regular attendance helps your child succeed academically, build strong social skills, and develop the discipline needed for lifelong success.


    While we understand there may be times when absences are unavoidable, we can give your child the best chance to succeed by encouraging consistent attendance.

    We encourage you to establish healthy attendance habits starting in September. Missing even a few days—whether excused or unexcused—can greatly impact your child’s opportunity to become Future Ready. Research shows that attendance patterns set in September tend to continue throughout the school year. Students who missed fewer than two days in September went on to average fewer than two absences per month. However, students who missed more than two days in September were more likely to experience chronic absenteeism later in the year.

    Let’s embrace this new school year as an opportunity to work together to ensure your child attends school every day.  


    3 Reasons Why Daily Attendance is Important


    1. Better Learning and Grades: Attending school every day helps students learn more and improve their grades. Consistent learning increases their chances of graduating and becoming Future Ready.

    2. Preparation for the Future: Regular attendance prepares students for life beyond school, whether that’s college, a career, or other future goals.

    3. Building Friendships and Belonging: Being in school every day helps students make friends and feel like they belong. School provides a safe, caring environment where everyone is supported.


  • WPS Resources


    Attendance Zones: Ensuring Your Child's Success

    This graphic highlights the impact of absences on student achievement, emphasizing the importance of staying within the "Safe Zone" of 0–8 absences. Missing even a few days can significantly affect their ability to stay on track, with chronic absenteeism leading to serious academic setbacks. Let's work together to keep your child on the path to becoming Future Ready!

    Attendance Zones - English

    Zonas de Asistencias - Español


    Plan Ahead: Best Dates for Scheduling Doctor's Appointments

    To ensure your child misses as little school as possible, use this calendar to schedule their doctor's appointments. Dates highlighted in red are the best options to minimize impact on their school attendance, while green highlights mark holidays. 

    Best Dates for Scheduling Doctor's Appointments

    Mejores fechas para agendar citas con el doctor