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- Job Opportunities
Job Websites:
HYPE - Helpling Youth Prepare for Employment; One stop shop for helping youth find jobs in the Wichita area.
Xello Career Assessment - Use this website and click on the drop menu to access your Xello account. Xello helps students discover the pathway that’s right for them, whether it involves a trade, college, university, entrepreneurship, or other training through short assessments. As students gain self-knowledge through assessments and reflection, they save careers, schools, programs, and experiences to form a vibrant, visual roadmap that’s easy to update and share. Wichita Public Schools uses Xello as our online platform for each student's Individual Plan of Study (IPS) and it is accessible via student RapidIdentity accounts and available on your mobile device.
Kansas Workforce Alliance - The Workforce Centers of South Central Kansas are a one-stop resource for job seekers and employers. At the Workforce Centers JOB SEEKERS will find the tools and training needed to build a successful career and EMPLOYERS will find help with their hiring, training, or human resources needs. Because many local, state, and federal organizations help provide these valuable services, most are available free of charge.
Career One Stop - The flagship career, training, and job search website for the U.S. Department of Labor. The website serves job seekers, businesses, students, and career advisors with a variety of free online tools, information and resources.
Occupational Outlook Handbook - The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a publication of the United States Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics that includes information about the nature of work, working conditions, training and education, earnings and job outlook for hundreds of different occupations in the United States.
Bureau of Labor and Statistics - A comprehensive data base that lists all jobs in the United States along with educational requirements, salary information and detailed descriptions of the career.
My Next Move - A free career assessment. No account needed. Take this assessment if you are feeling like you are not sure what you would be good at (remember this is a normal and okay feeling). - Kansas Career Navigator is intended to offer all Kansans access to public state regional information to aid in the selection of education and training programs, access to workforce training providers and labor market information. The site focuses on careers, outlook, county information and postsecondary/training information. Current career lists highlight the top 10 occupations in each area that meet high wage/high demand criteria set by the Department of Labor.
SnagAJob - Need work now? Find what's available in your zip code.