• Request a Special Diet


    Students at all grade levels in the Wichita Public Schools have multiple options in the breakfast and lunch lines. Nutrition Services utilizes the “offer” program to serve student meals. With “offer”, students are allowed to choose the foods they want to put on their tray. At breakfast, students have entrée choices along with a juice and/or fruit, with the option of milk. At lunch service, students have multiple choices of entrees as well as several selections of fruits and vegetables, with the option of milk. This allows most students to avoid the foods to which they have an allergy or intolerance. Milk is offered to students but is not required with meals. Water is available to students during every meal period.


    With these options, a request for modification of school meals may not be necessary for some students. However, if your student requires a modified texture for dysphagia, or cannot avoid the foods containing their allergens without special substitutions, please fill out a meal modification form with a medical authority. For more information, please refer to form 19-B.


    Also, Nutrition Services has compiled a list showing which of our entrees contain the most common allergies; they are located on this webpage under "Additional Resources". Food labels of products used in meals and snacks provided by Nutrition Services are available for viewing by Nutrition Services at 973-2160.


    Important information about completion of form 19-B for declaring disabilities, food allergies, or intolerances

    • Please submit requests for modified school meals or declaration of allergy on form19-B. Forms are available on the right side of this webpage.
    •  If your student has form 19-B on file but no longer needs a modified meal plan, please contact your school nurse or submit form 19C to the school nurse. Students need parental permission to discontinue a meal modification and parents can discontinue a meal modification at any time.
    •  Please read and complete the form carefully, including specific information about the student’s needs.
    •  Including detailed information regarding foods the student does and does not tolerate helps ensure that Nutrition Services can create resources that best meet the student’s needs. Thresholds vary between individuals. Nutrition Services practices least restriction so the student has as many choices as possible. For example, with lactose intolerance, state whether your student tolerates yogurt and/or cheese. Or with egg allergy, state whether your student can tolerate eggs cooked into foods such as chicken nuggets or baked goods. Corn allergies often need special clarification as tolerance can vary wildly among individuals. Clarifying Fluid Milk vs all milk ingredients is also helpful.
    •  Completion of new medical forms are not required if student allergies remain unchanged and the student stays within the USD259 district.
    •  Form 19-B is intended for medical conditions and disabilities, and substitutions will not be made for personal preferences such as vegetarianism.
    •  Please send food for your child until you have received menu information from the school.
    • What if you disagree with the decisions regarding your child’s meal modification? Contact Nutrition Services at 316-973-2178. You may also ask for a hearing by writing the Hearing Official at 903 S Edgmoor, Wichita, KS 67218 
  • Contact Us  This institution is an equal opportunity provider

Meal Modification Forms