College and Career Center
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- Scholarships
Scholarships can be received from your college or from outside resources. Be sure to check your schools' deadlines for admissions and if they require any additional applications or requirements to apply for their scholarships (i.e. essays or recommendation letters). Some scholarships may have requirements, such as min. GPA or ACT/SAT scores. Some may require just an application to be completed. There are tons of resources for FREE money, but always make sure it is from a trusted source to AVOID scams. If you must pay to apply for scholarships, please verify with a school or trusted adult before proceeding with the scholarship application as this is a red flag.
Remember, if you want to be awarded money, you cannot just apply for one scholarship. The more you apply for, the more opportunity you provide yourself. And no scholarship application is a guarantee, so please apply for multiple for your best chances!
Looking for scholarships? Take a look at these resources:
- Xello - holds over 200 local scholarship opportunites! Only a handful have been listed below.
- FastWeb
- CollegeBoard
- First Generation College Student Scholarships
- Assistance League of Wichita Scholarship - for students planning to attend Butler or WSU Tech rewarding students with need and motivation.
- Give Back Scholarship - for students who have faced adversity. Applications must be submitted in your 9th grade year.
- Horacio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans - for students who have faced adversity and have great financial need.
- The Hixon Opportunity Award - for students attending KU and faced significant personal challeges and have financial need.
- The Kansas Board of Regents Scholarships - multiple scholarship options for both college and technical schools, see below.
Kansas Career Technical Workforce Grant - May 1st Deadline, renewable up to $1000 per year (4 semesters), for KS High School Graduates accepted to eligibile career technical ed program, must complete FAFSA by April 1st.
Kansas Ethnic Minority Scholarship - May 1st Deadline, for academically competitive minority students with financial need.
Kansas Nursing Service Scholarship - Obligated to practice as an RN or LPN in Kansas.
The Rudd Scholarship Program - for students attending WSU, Emporia State or Fort Hays State.
Simon Youth Community Scholarships - for students who live in a Simon Mall Community.
Future of School Scholarship Program - for students who participate in a blended learning environment during last two years of high school, March deadline.
The Wichita Community Foundation Scholarships - multiple scholarships for LOCAL students.
Old Town Barber College Scholarship - Wichita High School grads only, March deadline.
Scholarship Opportunities for Minority Students:
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund
- Spanish Scholarship Program
- African American Student Scholarships
- The Gates Scholarship Program
- Golden Door Scholars for Undocumented Students
- Ron Brown Scholarship
- APIA Scholars for Asian Pacific Islander Students
- Linwood Sexton Scholarship - Full Ride to WSU majoring in Buisness or Education.
- 1890 National Scholars Program - Full Ride to 1 of 18 1890 Historically Black Land-Grant Institutions.
- Black and Gold ICT Foundation Scholarship - Proven need for assistance, Feb Deadline.
- Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, inc. Scholarship - March Deadline.
- Ronald McDonald House Charities HACER Scholarship - Hispanic Students, 2.7 GPA, Feb Deadline, $100,000.
Military Dependents
- The Ultimate Guide to Scholarships for Military Dependents - Listing of scholarships for dependents by military branch.