College and Career Readiness
Page Navigation
- Home Page
- CTE Pathway Information
- College and Career Ready
- Future Ready Centers
- IPS - Individual Plan of Study
- Work Based Learning
- Roadtrip Nation Wichita-Build Your Future
Summer Opportunities
Internships/Work Opportunities
- Foley Equipment Post-Graduation Internship
- Freddy's Summer Employment
- KETCH - Aspire Higher
- PEC Employment and Internships
- Sedgwick Country Public Works
- Textron Summer Internships
- The Way To Work (TWTW) Summer Temporary/Part-Time Work
- Wesley Heathcare
- WSU National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR)
Internships/Work Opportunities
- Contact Us
- Wichita Public Schools
- Work Based Learning
Work-Based Learning
The program focuses on skills that all students should have when entering the workforce. The expectation of both the student and the business partner, is that the student will be developing these focus skills through hands-on experiences, not just a job shadow. These focus skills include:
- Applied Academic Skills
- Interpersonal Skills
- Personal Qualities
- Communication Skills
- Technology Use
- Information Use
- Critical Thinking Skills
- Resource Management
- Systems Thinking