• Safe and Civil SurveyThe purpose of this survey is to find out what members of the school community think
    about the following:
    • Student safety
    • How students interact with each other
    • How students and staff members interact with each other
    • Rules and expectations for student behavior and class procedures
    • How students feel about the school in general
    • How staff members interact with parents/families
    • How staff members interact with each other
    • Behavior management and discipline procedures
    • Potential problems
    If you work in multiple schools, ask your supervisor whether you should fill out a
    separate survey for each of the schools you are affiliated with.
    Thank you for taking the time to help us make our school a better place for everyone.

    The PARENT survey will be open from September 12 through September 23. 

    Link: https://survey1.ancorapublishing.online/Integrated_WichitaSurvey/SurveyLogin.aspx 

    PARENTS/GUARDIANS will use the following log-ins:


    Password: W8F4S6D3 

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