College and Career Readiness
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- Future Ready Centers
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- Foley Equipment Post-Graduation Internship
- Freddy's Summer Employment
- KETCH - Aspire Higher
- PEC Employment and Internships
- Sedgwick Country Public Works
- Textron Summer Internships
- The Way To Work (TWTW) Summer Temporary/Part-Time Work
- Wesley Heathcare
- WSU National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR)
Internships/Work Opportunities
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- Wichita Public Schools
- Future Ready Centers
About the FutureReady Centers
The FutureReady Centers are a Wichita Public School and WSU Tech partnership that provide students with hands-on training, learning opportunities, and mentoring from industry experts while still attending their base high schools. Students are enrolled in two courses and attend every other day on the A/B schedule.
A few details:
- Current FRC programs: Healthcare and Manufacturing (click to learn more)
- 100% Free-- No Additional Cost
- Starts every Fall and Spring semester
- Open to WPS juniors and seniors
- Transportation available
- No books required
- Students earn college credit
- Guaranteed work-based learning internship
Classes that are currently offered at the FRCs: LINK
FRC Transportation Request
Please use the transportation link to make any adjustments to your current transportation or make an initial request for transportation.
Healthcare Photos
Manufacturing Photos
Future Ready Center Principal - Eric Shipman
FRC Manufacturing Address:
1435 N Waco Ave, Wichita, KS 67203
FRC Healthcare Address:
3821 E Harry St, Wichita, KS 67218