Phone: 973-1250


Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Williams

My name is Glen Williams, and I am blessed and honored to serve as the principal for White Elementary. As service-providers, I think its important to convey helpful background information about ourselves to help the community understand who we are.

I was born and raised in Wichita, KS, and attended grade-school at Wichita Public Schools. I graduated from Northeast Magnet and soon started working for the Mental Health Association of South-Central Kansas. During this time, I completed a BA degree in Organizational Management and Leadership through Friends University. After 6 years of service, I transitioned to the Boys & Girls Club of South-Central Kansas where I served as the Programs Director. During this time, I completed another bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. After six years of service, I transitioned to the classroom where I taught fifth grade for five years. During this time, I completed a master’s degree in School Leadership and became an assistant principal. I served two years in this role before becoming the head principal at White Elementary School.

My amazing wife, Mrs. Williams, is also an educator for the WPS school district (school psychologist for a WPS high school) and we’ve been married for 17 years. We have two wonderful children who are also aspiring educators. The things most important to me are my family, community, and my faith.   

Knowing the reason why I chose education is something I reflect on often. My why – to love, serve, and grow students, staff, and families, so that we can reach our full potential. My favorite quote from my childhood pastor is, “You can’t be who you ought to be, until I am who I ought to be. And I can’t be who I ought to be, until you are who you ought to be. it’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.” I recognize that my value is not defined by my title, but how I allow my title to positively impact those I serve.