    Winter Weather and School Closings
    How is the decision made to close school?
    Decisions to close schools are based on a number of variables including actual and projected snowfall, icing and wind-chill factors, ability of the bus fleet to transport students, and assessment of street and road conditions, including snow/ice treatment and removal. Power and heat to buildings is also a factor that is considered.
    When is the decision made to close school?
    A decision to cancel school will be made no later than 5 a.m. on the morning of a school day if winter weather conditions are of such a nature that the overall safety of students would be greatly jeopardized and the operations of the school district would be significantly impaired.
    Based on conditions, the district may elect to make this decision the night before a school day, in which case the community will be notified as soon as the information becomes available in order to allow parents and employers the time to make appropriate plans.

    Will after school activities be postponed too?
    On days when school is in session but conditions deteriorate during the day, the district's weather team will typically meet in the afternoon to discuss the status of after-school and evening activities. That information is shared through the same communication channels on which we make school closure announcements.

    What if my child's bus is late?
    During times of severe weather, conditions may be of such a nature that buses may be running late. If this occurs, specific information will be posted on social media outlets and will be relayed to local news media. Conditions that impact a student's wait time are considered whether evaluating whether to hold or cancel school on a given day.

    Get bus updates in real time! Download the FirstView bus tracker app.

    What if I work for the district - how will I know whether I'm supposed to come in?
    The Superintendent has the authority to declare a “snow day” and determine on a day by day basis which work/pay groups are required to report for work. The Superintendent’s decision will supersede any previous memos or past practice. Employees will receive specific work and reporting instructions through the Outlook internal e-mail system, through ParentLink, and through general media. Certain employees with unique emergency roles will be contacted by their direct supervisor. 
  • How will I know if school has been cancelled?
    The district has a comprehensive communication strategy to alert parents, staff, students and other community patrons to closures due to weather. To learn more about how you can make sure you're notified, click here.
    The Wichita Public Schools does not typically make announcements that school is in session during winter weather events, only when school or activities are cancelled. If there is no announcement, then school is in session.

    Will you ever consider dismissing early if snow and ice get back during the day?
    If a winter weather condition develops while school is in session, early dismissal of school may be required. However, such would only occur under the most extreme conditions. If a decision is made during the school day, the district's emergency communications plan would be utilized to notify parents and employees.