• Stan Reeser

    Stan Reeser

    BOE District #4


    Contact Information:
    2551 S. Hiram Ave.
    Wichita, KS 67217-1821
    Phone: 636-7864
    Personal e-mail link: Click here.


    Wichita BOE:
    Member: October 2017-present
    President: 2021-2022


    Biographical Information:
    Birthplace: Lubbock, TX
    Childhood Home: Wichita, KS


    Wichita High School South, Wichita, KS

    Wichita State University
    Wichita, KS
    Bachelor of General Studies


    Via Christi Health
    Former City of Wichita City Council Member


    Kansas Association of School Boards
    Council of Great City Schools
    Wichita Transit Advisory Board Member



    Elementary: Anderson, CessnaEnders Magnet, Enterprise, Gardiner, Harry Street, Kelly, Linwood, Stanley, Woodman
    Middle: Hamilton, Truesdell
    High: South, West
    Special: *Greiffenstein, *Wells, *Education Imagine Academy at the Joyce Focht ISC, *Juvenile Detention Center. *Schools in BOE District 1, assigned to At-Large BOE Member for communication purposes. 


  • Stan Reeser shares the best part of serving on the Board of Education: 

    “I want to help teachers, administrators, volunteers of the district, and the Board of Education in the vital mission of providing the very best urban school district for our students.”