• Kathy Bond

    Kathy Bond photo


    BOE District #5


    Contact Information:
    1223 N. Denmark Ave. 
    Wichita, KS 67212
    Phone: 347-7561
    Personal e-mail link: Click here.


    Wichita BOE:
    Member: January 2022-present


    Biographical Information:
    Birthplace: Chicago, IL


    Lutheran High School North
    St. Louis, MO


    Wichita State University

    Wichita, KS

    Substitute Teacher

    Wichita-area schools


    Kansas Association of School Boards
    Council of Great City Schools

    Daughters of the American Revolution

    Metropolitan Ballet of Wichita



    Areas of Focus:
    Student success

    Protecting values of education principles

    Supporting all educators


    Elementary: Benton, Black Magnet, Dodge Magnet, Kensler, Lawrence, McCollom, OK, Peterson
    Middle: Mayberry Magnet, Wilbur
    High: Northwest
    Special: *Bryant Opportunity Academy, *Levy Special Education Center

    *Schools in BOE District 5, assigned to At-Large BOE Member for communication purposes.

  • Why Kathy serves Wichita children:

    "As a substitute educator, it has been my joy to watch a student have 'that' moment, when they understand what is being taught. Every student deserves the education that will give them the tools and knowledge to move forward in life. As a school board member, I appreciate being placed in the position to encourage, inspire, and motivate students, educators, administrators, and parents through the education process while building relationships."