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Middle School Battle of the Books 2024
Robinson's Battle--TBD (8:50 Robinson Middle School)
District Middle School Battle--April 23, 2025 (8:15 School Service Center)365 Days to Alaska by Cathy Carr (F CAR)
Confessions of a Class Clown by Arianne Costner (F COS)
Epic Fail of Arturo Zamora, The by Pablo Cartaya (F CAR)
Fallout: Spies, Superbombs, & the Ultimate Cold War Showdown by Steve Sheinkin (972.91 SHE)
Fast Pitch by Nic Stone (F STO)
First Time for Everything, A by Dan Santat (741.5 SAN or 921 SAN)
Framed! by James Ponti (F PON)
Frizzy by Claribel A. Ortega (741.5 ORT)
Garvey's Choice by Nikki Grimes (F GRI)
Ground Zero: A Novel of 9/11 by Alan Gratz (F GRA)
I Will Always Write Back: How One Letter Changed Two Lives by Caitlin Alifirenka & Martin Ganda (920 ALI)
Iceberg by Jennifer Neilsen (F NIE)
Improbable Tales of Baskerville Hall, The by Ali Standish (F STA)
Indigenous Ingenuity by Deidre Havrelock & Edward Kay (500.89 HAV)
Iron Trial, The by Holly Black & Cassandra Clare (F BLA)
Last Cuentista, The by Donna Barba Higuera (F HIG)
Mr. Lincoln Sits for His Portrait by Leonard Marcus (973.7 MAR)
One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams-Garcia (F WIL)
Operation Do-Over by Gordon Korman (F KOR)
Place to Hang the Moon, A by Kate Albus (F ALB)
Starfish by Lisa Fipps (F FIP)
Strangers, The (Greystone Secrets Vol. 1) by Margaret Peterson Haddix (F HAD)
We Dream of Space by Erin Entrada Kelly (F KEL)
When the World Turned Upside Down by K. Ibura (F IBU)
1 A team will consist of no more than 4 members. There will be no minimum number of players. 2 The moderator will flip a coin before the game to decide who goes first. The team winning the toss will have the first question. 3 A round will consist of 12 questions. 4 The moderator willread each question once and will repeat it once upon the request of theteam member assigned the question. (The clock will continue to run while the question is repeated). 5 The moderator will say the team member's name, state the question, and repeat the team member's name to start the time. Once a team member has been designated to answer the question, 20 seconds will be allowed to start the answer. The questions will be answered by team members in sequential order. The person answering may get help from his/her teammates within the 20-second time limit, but he/she may not confer until the moderator repeats the team member’s name a second time. Once the answer has begun, no more conferring is allowed.
a. If any member of a team confers at an inappropriate time, the team willreceive a warning from the judges.b. If any member of a team displays unsportsmanlike conduct the team will receive a warning from the judges.c. Additional offenses will result in the offending team forfeiting its opportunity to respond.d. The question will be read again and addressed to the next player in sequence on the opposing team as a rebound question. (Time will be 10 seconds and score for a correct answer will be two points).6 Two (2) points will be awarded for each correct book title as it appears on the official booklist. Judges will disregard articles such as “a,” "an,” and "the" at the beginning of all titles. One (1) bonus point will be awarded for the name of the author as it appears on the official booklist. A team cannot earn bonus points for the author's name unless the title has been stated correctly. 7 If a team fails to answer the question correctly within the allotted time, the question will be read again and addressed to the next player in sequence on the opposing team, who will have 10 seconds in which to begin the answer. The second team offered the question cannot confer until the question has been addressed to them or the team will forfeit its opportunity to respond. Points can only be earned for the title. The play will resume with the next question being directed to that same player. 8 Teams will be put into a bracket and compete until they are eliminated. In the event of a tie, a tiebreaker round will be held. 9 The tiebreaker round will consist of 12 questions. Scoring will start atzero. Rounds will continue until a winner is determined. 10 Challenges - There are no challenges. 11 There will be no entering or exiting the competition area during a round. 12 To maintain the integrity of the questions and the yearly competitions, videotaping of an entire competition is not allowed.