Cross Country will begin August 19th, 2024. Cross Country practice is Monday through Friday mornings from 6:00am to 7:20am. Showers are available after practice for student use before school.

    We will have a short parent meeting on Monday Aug, 6th at 6:00pm. During the meeting we will go over information, schedule, expectations, and answer any questions you may have.


    Robinson Cross Country has a tradition of excellence and we hope to have the largest teams from any of the Wichita Schools!

    • No student may participate until a scanned physical in RankOne has been submitted.
    • No team may participate in a meet until it has had 14 days of training.
    • No student may participate in a meet until they have had 9 days of training.
    • No student shall participate in more than 7 meets during a season.
    Athletic Trainer
    Our main trainer is located at Wichita East High School - Athletic Trainer, Jennifer Hudsonjhudson1@usd259.net 
    If you have any injuries, please let Coach Kratz or Coach Howk know if you would like to visit the Athletic Trainer. 
    Sick? No practice?

    If you cannot be at practice please email Coach Kratz at jkratz@usd259.net or Coach Howk at ehowk@usd259.net. If you do not send an email, you will not be excused from practice.