- Jardine Middle
- Track and Field
Track & Field Team Information
All 7th or 8th graders are eligible to participate in track and field if they passed at least 5 classes on the last grade card. Track and field takes place in the spring. Please visit www.rankonesport.com to create a parent account, to upload your athlete's sports physical, and to complete and sign all other required USD 259 athletic documents. All documents can be uploaded starting today! If you have any questions regarding Track and Field, please contact Mr. Wilbert, your Assistant Principal and Athletic Contact, at 316-973-4300.
Concussion Form by KSHSAA
This form contains information for parents and athletes about concussions, their symptoms and the protocol that will be followed should an athlete have a concussion. At the end of the form is an area that both the parent and student need to sign. This form must be turned in before an athlete can practice.
2020-2021 Physical Form by KSHSAA
This form must be filled out by a parent and doctor, as well as signed by a parent and the student before it is turned in. No athlete may practice until a competed form is turned in.
Both of these reguired forms are in the documents below.