Board of Education
Front Row: District 6 Hazel Stabler, District 2 Julie Hedrick, At-Large Member Melody McCray-Miller
Back Row: District 3 Ngoc Vuong, District 4 Stan Reeser, District 1 Diane Albert, District 5 Kathy Bond
The Board of Education (BOE) is elected by voters in the Wichita Public Schools boundaries. Each BOE member serves for a term of four years at a time. The Board is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of a system of free public schools for all children residing in the school district and may make all necessary rules and regulations for the government and conduct of schools consistent with the laws of the state. The governance of the district shall be vested in the Board.
Contact Us
For Wichita Public Schools general information and office phone numbers, please call 316-973-4000. The contact information below pertains to Board of Education agendas, meetings, and policies. To contact individual Board members, visit the Member Profile page.
Litona Hoyt
Wichita Public Schools
Clerk of the Board's Office
903 S. Edgemoor
Wichita, KS 67218