BOE Meetings: Agendas and Minutes
The agenda for October 7, 2024, is found below. This meeting will be at 6 p.m. in the North High Lecture Hall, 1437 N. Rochester.
Updated: October 4, 2024 at 9:15 a.m.
Main BOE Agendas, Portfolios with Appendices, and BOE Minutes
Public Comments
Consistent with BOE Policy 0200 - Board of Education Agendas and Meetings, public comment shall be allowed only on topics that pertain to business of the Board of Education. A speaker may request to speak by calling the Clerk of the Board's office at 316-973-4553 by noon on the day of the meeting, or a speaker may register to speak with the Clerk of the Board at the location of the meeting between 5:30 p.m. and 5:50 p.m. When registering to speak, a speaker shall identify the topic the speaker wishes to address. A speaker's comments may not exceed 3 minutes, shall be limited to the registered topic, and shall not include personnel matters concerning district employees and/or matters that would violate the privacy of students. Speakers shall provide 12 copies of any handouts to the Clerk of the Board's table for distribution at the Board table.
Non-English speakers may contact Multilingual Education Services at (316) 866-8012 for help procuring a translator and addressing the Board in another language. Please call this number at least 72 hours prior to the Board meeting.