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BOE Meetings: Agendas and Minutes

The agenda and packet will be posted here on the Thursday prior to the regularly scheduled board meeting.

Regular meetings during the school year will be held at 6 p.m. in the North High Lecture Hall, 1437 N. Rochester and can be viewed live online through WPS-TV.  

Main BOE Agendas, Portfolios with Appendices, and BOE Minutes

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC: To download an Adobe PDF in any browser, right-click on the link and select the "Save Target As" or "Save Link As" option depending on the browser. Save the Adobe PDF file to your device, then open the PDF using Adobe Acrobat DC or other Adobe Acrobat products. 

Publication Notes: The main BOE Agenda and a Portfolio including the Appendices are published by the end of the business day on the Thursday prior to a regular meeting. After a Board meeting, final versions of the main BOE Agenda and Portfolio are published here. As a convenience, the agenda files and minutes are available online for three years after the end of the calendar year in which the files are published. For more information or to request BOE meeting files that may no longer be available online, please contact the Clerk of the Board’s office at 973-4553.

On this page, BOE Agenda are published in two formats:

  • Main BOE Agenda (Adobe PDF can be opened in any browser).
  • BOE Agenda with Appendices (Adobe Portfolio can be downloaded and opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC).

Public Comments

Consistent with BOE Policy 0200 - Board of Education Agendas and Meetings, public comment shall be allowed only on topics that pertain to business of the Board of Education. A speaker may request to speak by calling the Clerk of the Board's office at 316-973-4553 by noon on the day of the meeting, or a speaker may register to speak with the Clerk of the Board at the location of the meeting between 5:30 p.m. and 5:50 p.m. When registering to speak, a speaker shall identify the topic the speaker wishes to address. A speaker's comments may not exceed 3 minutes, shall be limited to the registered topic, and shall not include personnel matters concerning district employees and/or matters that would violate the privacy of students. Speakers shall provide 12 copies of any handouts to the Clerk of the Board's table for distribution at the Board table.

Non-English speakers may contact Multilingual Education Services at (316) 866-8012 for help procuring a translator and addressing the Board in another language. Please call this number at least 72 hours prior to the Board meeting.