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P0275 Requests for Information - Board of Education

  • 0100 Board of Education
P0275 Requests for Information - Board of Education

The Superintendent, administration, and Board must maintain open lines of communication. The Board and Superintendent agree that the Board has a responsibility and a right to be informed. The Board must decide how much information it expects the Superintendent and/or administration to provide, how the information will be provided, the way it will be provided, and the time frame in which it should be provided.  

Implemental Procedures 

  1. All individual Board request for reports, analysis, or research generally should be made in writing during a regular or special-called Board meeting, or a committee of the whole. 
    1. Unless a Board Request Form is completed by an individual Board member, no request for reports, analysis, or research shall be provided by staff.  
  2. Following each Board meeting, the Superintendent will assign each new request with the administrator responsible for fulfilling the request and will list a tentative completion date on the BOE Requests file. The Superintendent will confirm with the Board member who made the request how many staff hours it will take to fulfill the request and the tentative completion date. All Board members and Executive Council members will receive an updated BOE Requests file and BOE Agenda Planner file. The BOE Agenda Planner lists agenda items.  
    1. If the Superintendent reviews a request with staff and estimates it will take more than two hours to complete, the Superintendent will communicate with the Board member who made the request about the amount of time estimated to complete the request. This will allow the Board member the opportunity to revise the request so it will take less than two hours to complete, or to withdraw the request. 
    2. If a Board member agrees to withdraw a request, this will be noted in the next BOE Requests file that is sent to the Board. The request will then be deleted from the BOE Requests file.  
    3. If the request is not revised or withdrawn, the Superintendent will bring the request back to the Board at its next business meeting for the Board’s consensus or a vote.   
    4. If a request is not fulfilled in a timely manner for the Board member who made the request, the Board member can consult with Board President and the Superintendent about the completion date. If necessary, the Board member, Board President, and/or Superintendent can bring a request back to the Board for further discussion. 
  3. Once a response has been prepared to any Board request, all Board members shall be offered a copy of the information at the same time.  
  4. Board members shall not bypass the Superintendent to request reports, analysis or research from staff. While a Board member may on occasion discuss issues with other staff members, it is important each member understand these discussions are brief and shall be limited only to information gathering. In order to achieve equitable access to information, any staff prepared documents will be offered to all Board members. 

Board counsel has approved this policy as to legal form and content. 

Administrative Responsibility: Board of Education 

Latest Revision Date: December 2017  

Previous Revision Date: July 2008 P0275