P0875 Complaints Against Employees
- 0100 Board of Education
P0875 Complaints Against Employees
It is the Board’s intent to protect school district employees from unfounded allegations and/or complaints and from public criticism to which they may be unable to respond and, therefore, establishes the following procedures:
Implemental Procedures
- Persons with complaints against an employee are encouraged to discuss and attempt to resolve the problem directly with that employee.
- If discussion with the employee does not resolve the problem, the complainant will be expected to discuss and attempt to resolve the problem with the employee's immediate supervisor.
- If discussion with the supervisor does not resolve the problem, the complainant will be expected to discuss and attempt to resolve the problem with the Superintendent or designee.
- The Board of Education will generally ignore anonymous undocumented complaints against school district employees. However, anonymous complaints related to suspected child abuse and/or neglect must be addressed under BOE Policy 5117 - Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and/or Neglect and Kansas law, and other allegations of violations or law or policy may be cause for further investigation as deemed appropriate under the circumstances.
- Persons with concerns or complaints are encouraged to involve the district’s Parent and Community Support Network staff at any time and at any stage of the procedures set forth above.
- As noted in BOE Policy 0250 – BOE Code of Conduct (AIP 7), Board members should not try to solve complaints or grievances individually, except when they may counsel patrons or employees who inquire as to the correct procedure to be followed for the resolution of complaints or grievances. Board members may refer a complaint or grievance to the Superintendent.
Latest Revision Date: November 2017
Previous Revision Date: September 1997 P0875