P1227 Schedule Changes
- 1100 Administration
P1227 Schedule Changes
The enrollment schedule of students is approved either for the full school year or for the full semester, depending on the approved enrollment procedure of the school. A schedule change is defined as any addition, deletion, or substitution of courses after the official enrollment or pre-enrollment date.
Administrative Implemental Procedures
- Schedule changes are to be discouraged except for valid educational reasons.
- A schedule change may be granted by the principal or upon recommendation of the teacher or counselor and approval of the principal.
- A Withdrawal (W) entry will be made on the student permanent record for courses dropped after the completion of any grading period.
- For purpose of determining teacher needs, setting the master schedule and assigning students to classes, principals may establish a deadline date after which requests for schedule changes may reasonably be denied.
- After the first few weeks of classes, the teacher involved shall be informed by the principal or the principal’s designee prior to the decision to withdraw a student from a class.
Administrative Responsibility: Elementary and Secondary Education Offices
Latest Revision Date: October 2007
Previous Revision Date: March 1999 P1227
Updated administratively for alignment purposes: November 2020