P1230 Acceptable Device and Communication Use by Staff, Students, and the District
- 1100 Administration
P1230 Acceptable Device and Communication Use by Staff, Students, and the District
The Wichita Public Schools (WPS) Technology Acceptable Use Policy is enacted to provide a statement for the purpose and use of technology. This policy outlines key definitions, district responsibilities, and acceptable use and guidelines for technology. It outlines the security measures WPS takes to secure learner and staff’s data/privacy. Violations/Consequences are also outlined.
Students and parents/guardians, as well as all WPS staff members, must read and sign the appropriate access agreement.
Administrative Implemental Procedures
- Purpose/Goal. Wichita Public Schools encourages the use of technology to enhance and transform learning that supports WPS’s four long-term goals towards all learners being college, career, and life ready. Devices, digital resources, educational use of technology, and network infrastructure will provide relevant school information for the global community.
- Key Definitions.
- Technology devices: Digital resources and network infrastructure is defined as Wichita Public Schools’ network: the internet, Workflow Solutions such as Microsoft Teams or Google Apps for Education, e-mail, hardware, software, printers, peripheral devices, individual computer devices, and tablets.
- Information Technology: Defined as internet access, e-mail, published and unpublished documents, and the various forms of multimedia technology.
- Educational Use: Technological use that supports communication and pedagogical best practices that facilitate and enhance human learning.
- Devices: Refer to any district owned/leased device: tablet, laptop, Chromebook, or phone.
- Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA): Congress enacted the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, 15 U.S.C. §6501, et seq. (COPPA) in 1998. COPPA required the Federal Trade Commission to issue and enforce regulations concerning children’s online privacy. The Commission’s original COPPA Rule became effective on April 21, 2000. The Commission issued an amended Rule on December 19, 2012 that became effective on July 1, 2013.
- Educational Use of Technology. Wichita Public Schools provides staff and students with a variety of devices, curriculum/software, online services, and communication tools to meet the needs of a digital learning culture. Staff and Students are expected to use these district’s digital devices, resources, and infrastructure to further the district’s educational mission, goals, and strategic direction. The district maintains the right to adjust, address, and change these educational uses to meet the needs of the district.
- District Responsibilities.
- 259 Technology Workgroup: A group composed of representatives from several district areas that develops guidelines, makes recommendations, and resolves issues regarding the district's technology, student access to devices, and infrastructure. This workgroup shall maintain and develop educational use of technology guidelines as well.
- Network and Internet: Wichita Public Schools will provide internet to meet the needs of educational use as outlined above. WPS utilizes a content filtering system to minimize access to inappropriate internet sites while on the district devices, in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Pub. L. No. 106-554, § §1701, et seq., (2000), and in compliance with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, as amended and its interpretive regulations, 34 C.F.R. § 99.1, et seq.
- This content filtering system is adjusted, monitored, and reviewed to meet the needs of staff and students.
- Wichita Public Schools works diligently to comply with COPPA requirements.
- Monitoring: Wichita Public Schools utilizes a variety of services to monitor and protect staff and students, and to ensure the integrity and operation of the district’s infrastructure. At any time and without prior notice, the WPS reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review, and store all usage of technology devices, digital resources, and network infrastructure.
- Storage: Wichita Public Schools will provide ample storage for staff and students related to educational work. When using this storage, WPS expects all users to follow existing copyright laws in a responsible and ethical manner. WPS will use an approval process for online services that require sharing of student information.
- Communication: Wichita Public Schools will provide public access to district and school information on approved platforms. These sites may contain listings of staff, calendars, and other information. The design of these sites shall include reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities.
- Marketing: The district asserts copyright, trademark, and/or other intellectual property rights in its domain name, district identification, district logo, and all content of the district internet site. All right(s) reserved.
- Statements of Personal Belief: Statements of personal belief are understood to be representative of the author’s point of view and not that of USD 259’s. No representations to the contrary shall be published without written approval from the appropriate district administrator.
- Outside Organizations: internet use by outside parties, parents, patrons, or outside organizations to promote on or use school internet sites to share their content. Under no circumstances, directly or indirectly, can district domains be used to promote political issues, causes, or candidates.
- Appropriate sponsorships can advertise on school-managed internet pages, may be acknowledged for contributions.
- Digital Citizenship: Wichita Public Schools will utilize an age-appropriate digital citizenship curriculum. WPS will educate staff and students about appropriate online behavior, including rules of interactions on social media, best practices for online learning, and digital classrooms.
- Student/Staff Acceptable Use and Responsibilities. All learners and staff will utilize technology resources to meet the district’s mission and goals.
- Student/Staff Generated Work: Work created with a district tool or resource is the property of the school district.
- Digital Citizenship: General rules for communication and behavior apply to online interactions and communications.
- Copyright: All users are expected to follow existing copyright laws.
- User Security Responsibilities: Usernames and passwords should always be protected from others and should not be posted where others can view and use.
- Educational Use of Technology. All district sites, online content, and services shall be in support of reaching WPS’s district mission and goals. The district maintains the right to remove inappropriate information or usage.
- Violations of Acceptable Use. The following are examples of, but are not limited to, inappropriate use of school-provided devices, networks, the internet, or other online services and are not permitted on the part of USD 259 staff and students:
- Accessing, uploading, downloading, or distributing pornographic, obscene, threatening/harassing/bullying, or sexually explicit material and/or language;
- Violating any local, state, or federal statute;
- Violating copyright or otherwise using the intellectual property of another individual or organization without permission;
- Accessing another individual's materials, information, passwords or files without permission;
- “Hacking” and other illegal activities in an attempt to gain unauthorized access to restricted files, other devices or computer systems. Uploading any harmful form of programming, bypassing filters, installing any type of server, aliasing/spoofing, peer-to-peer networking, or remote-control software;
- Vandalizing, defined as any unauthorized access and/or malicious attempt to damage device hardware/software or networks or destroying the data of another user, including creating, uploading, or intentionally introducing viruses;
- Intentionally wasting limited network or bandwidth resources;
- Using the network or e-mail lists for commercial purposes or profit;
- Using, disclosing, or disseminating personal information online such as full name, home address, phone number, etc., except with approval by certified or administrative district staff;
- Gaining unauthorized access to resources or entities;
- Invading the privacy of individuals;
- Improperly altering the setup of devices (e.g., desktops, icons, wallpapers, screensavers, installed software) as determined by the network administrator;
- Using software/apps that have not been assigned or approved by the appropriate staff;
- Failing to follow a district policy while using devices or failing to follow any other policies or guidelines established by district administration, teachers, or other appropriate district staff; and
- Seeking to gain or gaining unauthorized access to information resources or other computing devices.
- Consequences of Unacceptable Use. Administrators, teachers, and other appropriate district employees will decide what is inappropriate use. Violating this policy may result in:
- Restriction or loss of network access;
- Loss of student device;
- Disciplinary or legal action including, but not limited to, suspension or expulsion from school and/or criminal prosecution under appropriate local, state, and federal laws;
- Disciplinary action as assigned by school administration; and
- Assessment of the cost and payment of damages to hardware/software.
- Access and Acceptable Use Contract. Prior to use of school device, networks, or online services, each staff and student shall submit a signed Access and Acceptable Use Contract. If a student is under the age of 18, a parent/guardian shall also sign the contract(s). New Access and Acceptable Use Contracts must be signed and submitted each school year. This BOE policy applies to all students regardless of whether they have submitted a Contract. If a staff member or student does not have a current contract on file as required above, access to computer services and accounts is prohibited.
- Student Technology Check-Out. The district will allow a family to borrow technology for one or more USD 259 students in the household. A family can request to borrow a grade-level appropriate computing device for each student and/or one Internet access hotspot device for the household if they do not have access to the Internet. Each student and their parent/guardian are required to complete the Access and Acceptable Use Contract at the time of check-out. If the family needs to exchange a non-working USD 259 device for a new one, the student and parent/guardian are required to complete a new Access and Acceptable Use Contract. This technology is the property of USD 259 and must be returned to the school when requested by the district and/or school administration, or when the student no longer attends a USD 259 school or program. Students who borrow technology and their parents agree to abide by the annual Access and Acceptable Use Contract, which the student signs during enrollment, and to be responsible for damages to the borrowed technology.
- Disclaimer. Wichita Public Schools makes no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, for the access it is providing. The district will not be responsible for any damages suffered. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, misdeliveries, or service interruptions caused by its own negligence or user errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the internet is at the user's risk. The district denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information, or for any commercial transactions conducted through its system.
Administrative Responsibility: Information Services and Technology
Revision Date: August 2020
New Policy: March 2020 P1230