P1245 Initiations
- 1100 Administration
P1245 Initiations
The building principal must approve and monitor initiation ceremonies or induction activities held by clubs and organizations within the school. Such activities must be carried on in such a way as to preserve the dignity of the individuals involved. Hazing or any activity which might be dangerous or embarrassing to an individual is prohibited.
Administrative Implemental Procedures
- A club or organization sponsor will check proposed initiation activities with the building principal in advance.
- The building principal is authorized to prohibit activities which might have the effect of discouraging students from participating in school activities. The building principal or administrative designee will approve all activities that involve incoming students, regardless of whether the activities are planned by students or staff.
- Any initiation activities which are disruptive to the school program are to be prohibited by the building principal.
- Hazing, harassment, or intimidation of incoming, current, re-enrolled students at a school, or students at other schools is prohibited. For more information, see BOE Policies 1116 –Sexual Harassment of Students and 1119 – Harassment of Students.
Administrative Responsibility: Elementary and Secondary Education Offices
Latest Revision Date: October 2018
Previous Revision Date: March 2008 P1245
Updated administratively for alignment purposes: March 2021