P1381 Release of Students for Community Events
- 1100 Administration
P1381 Release of Students for Community Events
The participation in cultural activities and community-sponsored events which may have educational significance shall be determined by the principal or appropriate assistant Superintendent. Factors such as educational value, cost (both to the school and to the student), transportation, safety, and student supervision shall be considered in determining if an entire class or school will attend such activities or events. Individual students may be released to attend such activities with parental permission.
Administrative Implemental Procedures
- The building principal is responsible to assure that students are not exploited or used as a captive audience. Since many worthwhile activities are available, discretion must be used and limits established.
- Classroom teachers must have the approval of the building principal for activities which require students to leave the school grounds.
- The principal must approve class participation in programs for which students are asked to pay admission. Costs, which students are asked to assume must be nominal, and provision must be made to assure that when a class is attending any activity, a student is not, denied attendance because of inability to pay.
- District office personnel will assist principals in the selection of cultural activities and community sponsored events. Dismissal of the whole school must have the approval of the appropriate Assistant Superintendent.
- Students may be released to attend any community event at the request of the parents.
Administrative Responsibility: Elementary and Secondary Education Offices
Latest Revision Date: March 2008
Previous Revision Date: March 1999 P1381
Updated administratively for alignment purposes: November 2020