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P2216 Visitors

  • 1100 Administration
P2216 Visitors

Principals are responsible for developing procedures that encourage parents, patrons, and other interested persons to visit school at appropriate times during the year. When classes are in session, all visitors are required to report immediately to the school office upon entering the building. 

Administrative Implemental Procedures

  1. School visitors constitute one of the most valuable public relations assets, and school personnel should solicit visitation by parents and others. Special events, such as American Education Week and displays of students’ work, should be publicized in the district to encourage the patrons to visit the school. 
  2. Principals will develop and implement procedures relating to visits by patrons that may include: 
    1. Welcoming visitors in the school office 
    2. Determining whether visitation is appropriate 
    3. Advising visitors of their responsibilities and of any special problem 
    4. Directing or accompanying visitor to desired area 
    5. Providing special instructions for special occasions. 
  3. Principals will ensure that that the district’s visitor management system is properly implemented. During regular school hours when students are present, principals may restrict access to parents or guardians who are sex offenders. During regular school hours when students are present, principals will deny access to any other person who is a sex offender.  
  4. Patrons should be notified when visitation is least desirable. 
  5. Children not enrolled at the school may visit classrooms only with prior approval from building principal and when accompanied by a parent or guardian. 
  6. When a visitor’s actions or presence in the classroom or school building disrupts in any manner, the teacher and/or administration is authorized to advise the individual to leave. 
  7. The principal may exclude/ban visitors who are disruptive from the classroom, school building, or premises. 
  8. Visitors wishing to contact school employees on school premises during the working day must receive authorization from the principal or designee, in accordance with BOE Policy 4045 - Contact of Employees on School Premises. 

Administrative Responsibility: Safety Services 

Latest Revision Date: December 2019 

Previous Revision Date: October 2007 P2216

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