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P2380 Safety Responsibilities

  • 2300 Safety Services Management
P2380 Safety Responsibilities

Building principals, staff administrators, and Facilities personnel are primarily responsible for initiating and maintaining the necessary precautions for health and safety in the school system and for compliance with the rules, regulations, and laws governing health and safety. 

Administrative Implemental Procedures

  1. The Executive Director of Safety and Environmental Services is assigned the overall supervision for health and safety responsibilities, as well as delegating the responsibility for implementation of rules, regulations, and laws governing health and safety. 
  2. Safety education, as implemented in various curriculum areas, is the responsibility of each building principal, curriculum area supervisor, and classroom teacher. 
  3. Safety inspection of the facilities, equipment, and materials is the responsibility of the building principal and the Safety and Environmental Services Department. Correction of safety and health conditions relating to buildings and equipment is the responsibility of each building administrator, the Executive Director of Safety and Environmental Services and the Director of Design & Construction or their designees.  
  4. Supervisors and employees shall take precautions to ensure that all recognizable hazards are identified and instructions given in working in a safe manner and wearing correct apparel. The Administration shall initiate training and inspection activities, issue safety bulletins, and take other appropriate measures for the protection of all employees and students 
    1. The employer shall instruct each employee in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions and the regulations applicable to their work environment to eliminate any hazards. 
    2. The supervisor is responsible for providing and requiring the wearing of appropriate personal protection equipment in all operations where there is an exposure to hazardous conditions. 
  5. The Administration shall be responsible for identifying activity areas where there is reasonable probability of eye injuries, which could be prevented by wearing appropriate protective eye equipment. In these areas, employees and visitors are required to wear approved protective eye equipment, which meets ANSI Standard Z87.1-2020. 
  6. Hazardous wastes that are produced by any activity in USD 259 shall be identified, collected, labeled, stored, treated, and disposed of in a manner complying with all rules and regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction in this area.  
    1. Hazardous wastes include, but are not limited to, wastes, which are flammable, corrosive, infectious, highly reactive, or toxic.  
    2. Each hazardous waste produced must be placed into an appropriate container with a hazardous waste label attached that lists the specific contents. 
    3. Unlabeled containers whose contents are undetermined, which may contain hazardous substances, must not be put into the trash. Contact the Manager of Environmental Services for assistance and direction. 
    4. All flammable wastes produced as a result of activities by school district personnel must be properly labeled and stored in a flammable storage cabinet or other approved storage unit until it is picked up by authorized personnel. 
    5. Hazardous wastes produced as a result of curricular activities should be reported to the building principal, or designee. A written list of all hazardous waste materials and the amount of each should be prepared by building staff. The building principal, or designee, should submit this list to the Manager of Environmental Services who will employ legal and environmentally sound procedures for disposal. 
    6. The Manager of Environmental Services, or designee, must approve all hazardous waste transportation, storage, and disposal contractors. 
  7. The appropriate Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and appropriate Globally Harmonized System (GHS label) must accompany all hazardous chemicals. A copy of each SDS must be on file in the office of the Manager of Environmental Services. The building principal and/or user shall be responsible for implementing the necessary procedures to properly handle hazardous chemicals. 
    1. Some hazardous chemicals are purchased in a large container. These chemicals must be repackaged to a smaller secondary container prior to distribution to the user. When this repackaging is required, the following procedures must be in accordance with the Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR Part 1910.1200: 
    2. Employees must not dispense a chemical substance into a container previously filled with another type of chemical.  
    3. Should an unlabeled or improperly labeled container be found at any district location, the building principal or designee shall inform the office of Manager of Environmental Services to arrange for pick up, identification, and appropriate disposal.
  8. In any situation not covered by the procedures set forth above, the Executive Director of Safety Environmental Services should immediately be contacted for advice and consultation. 

Administrative Responsibility: Safety and Environmental Services  

Latest Revision Date: April 2021 

Previous Revision Date: November 2008 P2380

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