P3446 Books and Supplies for Indigent Students
- 3400 Financial Services
P3446 Books and Supplies for Indigent Students
Should parents of students be determined financially unable to pay the established fees for books and supplies, then the Board of Education shall furnish the necessary books and supplies for these students.
Administrative Implemental Procedures
- Families who have completed the current year application for child nutrition program benefits, signed the waiver of confidentiality, and have been qualified to receive federal aid are to be issued the necessary textbooks and supplies.
- Supplies for indigent students are requisitioned on Stock Requisition forms and charged to the building budget.
- Principals shall generate through the Student Information System (SIS) a report listing indigent students as often as needed. In May of each year, each building shall generate through the Student Information System (SIS), a final report listing indigent students. This information shall be verified by the building principal and the amount waived reported to the Chief Financial Officer at the end of each school term.
- Books and supplies are to be issued to indigent students in the same manner as issued to other students.
Administrative Responsibility: Financial Services
Latest Revision Date: November 2006
Previous Revision Date: July 2001 P3446
Updated administratively for alignment purposes: December 2020