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P4007 Negotiations with Teachers Unit

  • 4000 Human Resources
P4007 Negotiations with Teachers Unit

The Board of Education recognizes that certain rights and duties related to professional negotiations with teachers are specified by K.S.A. 72-2218, et seq. The Board shall designate a team to act as its representative in such professional negotiations. The team may make a procedural agreement with the representative of the teachers. Such procedural agreements shall provide for nonparticipating attendance by Board of Education and staff members. The team shall provide the Board with periodic reports regarding the status of professional negotiations and shall be responsible for recommending items for professional negotiations including amendments to existing agreements. Agreements covering terms and conditions of the professional service between the Board team and the representative of the teachers shall not be binding until ratified by the Board. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to prevent employees, individually or in concert or through such representatives as they may choose collectively or individually, from presenting or making known their positions and/or proposals to the Board of Education or the Superintendent of Schools. The Board of Education recognizes the desirability of meeting with all individuals, representatives, or organizations to confer on matters relevant to the employee's relationship to their position. 

Administrative Implemental Procedures: 

  1. The Superintendent shall act in an advisory capacity to the Board team and shall be responsible for assuring necessary support.  

  1. The Chief Human Resources Officer, or designee, shall serve as chief spokesperson for the Board team. The Chief Human Resources Officer shall have the responsibility for the preparation of materials for negotiations, for assisting in keeping the Board informed as to what is being considered, and for monitoring existing agreements to recommend suggested changes. 

  1. The Board team shall participate in meetings in accordance with the laws of Kansas, the rules and regulations of the Kansas State Department of Human Resources, and the policies of the Board of Education. 

  1. The Board team shall approach all meetings with an open mind and attempt to reach agreement with the representative of the teachers on matters which are to be included in the teacher contracts, that can be recommended to the Board of Education for adoption as policy. 

  1. Meetings shall be scheduled whenever possible in a manner so as to keep interruption of work schedules at a minimum. Whenever possible, negotiations shall be completed in sufficient time each year to provide for effective budget planning and policy implementation. 

Administrative Responsibility: Human Resources 

Latest Revision Date: October 2019 

Previous Revision Date: August 2012 P4007 

Updated administratively for alignment purposes: December 2020 

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