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P4030 Assignment and Transfer

  • 4000 Human Resources
P4030 Assignment and Transfer

The Board of Education may assign and transfer employees to positions which the Board determines to be in the best interests of the school system and the individual employee. 

Administrative Implemental Procedures: 

  1. Specific authority for employee assignment and transfer is delegated to the Superintendent or designee with subsequent approval by the Board. 
  2. A listing of employment opportunities shall be maintained by the Human Resources Division consistent with the following provisions: 
    1. The listing shall contain vacancies to be advertised and may include supplemental pay and administrative vacancies. 
    2. Employment opportunities will be posted through the on-line application process located on the District’s website. Interested individuals should complete the on-line application for any position they wish to apply. 
    3. The following may be excluded from the listing: 
    4. Administrative vacancies created by transfer 
    5. Vacancies in special teaching positions created by enrollment shifts and/or program changes 
  3. Initial assignment of a new employee will be determined on the basis of: 
    1. The employee’s training, experience, special qualifications, and interests 
    2. The employee’s meeting special requirements of a position such as certification/ licensing, special training, etc. 
    3. The effect of the employee’s assignment on overall staff balance as it relates to the provisions of the Affirmative Action Plan, the appropriate negotiated agreement, and other Board policies and procedures 
    4. The recommendations of administrative and staff personnel 
  4. Building administrators should give consideration to the following when making internal staff assignments: 
    1. The employee’s training, experience, special qualifications and interests 
    2. The employee’s meeting special requirements of a position such as certification/license requirements, special training, etc. 
    3. The effect of the employee’s assignment on overall staff balance as it relates to the provisions of the Affirmative Action Plan, the appropriate negotiated agreement, and other Board policies and procedures 
    4. Equalization of the overall work load among all staff members 
    5. Involvement of appropriate staff members, both from within and from without, in the decision making process. 
  5. Transfers requested by an employee: 
    1. Human Resources will post vacancies through the on-line application process located on the District’s website. Interested employees should complete the on-line application for any position they wish to apply. 
    2. Must be recommended by the Human Resources Division and approved by the Superintendent or designee. 
  6. Transfers may be directed by the Superintendent or designee due to one or more of the following reasons: 
    1. Unique requirements of a program at a given administrative base 
    2. Reduction of staff within a given administrative base 
    3. Job related personal and/or professional problems of an employee 
    4. Overall imbalance as it relates to the Affirmative Action Plan with respect to the staff of a given administrative base 
    5. Recommendations of building and/or district office administrative personnel 
  7. Assignments and transfers to vacant positions will be made without regard to handicap or disability if an employee has the qualifications as set forth in essential job skills. 
  8. Employees who are reassigned from one employee group to another will be subject to decisions by the Human Resources Division concerning temporary leave, longevity payments, and other conditions of employment. Such decisions shall be based on relevant provisions of various policies, procedures, and employment agreements in addition to the past practices of the district and the maintenance of equity among employees. 

Administrative Responsibility: Human Resources 

Latest Revision Date: August 2019 

Previous Revision Date: October 2011

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