P4037 Administrators Reductions in Force and Recall
- 4000 Human Resources
P4037 Administrators Reductions in Force and Recall
Administrators may be reduced through a reduction in force. In certain circumstances as determined by the Board of Education or designee, this reduction in force may occur during the contract of an administrator. Administrators may be recalled as conditions permit.
Administrative Implemental Procedures:
- The term “administrator” is used in this policy as the term is defined in the Administrative Employment Policy.
- The greatest possible reduction in administrative staff shall be accomplished through attrition.
- The reduction may be applied to all administrative personnel or to only a select group thereof. The reduction shall be applied to the largest group which may be reasonably considered. The Board of Education or designee, shall determine the group from which the reduction shall be made. A group is defined as those administrators performing similar jobs.
- Within the specified group, administrative employees shall be selected by Human Resources for reduction in force in the following order:
- Administrators who are currently on a Plan of Assistance.
- Employees within their first two years of employment as an administrator.
- The order of selection of the remaining employees will be based on length of service during current employment dating from the first day on duty as an administrator.
- In the event that two or more employees within a specified group have the same length of service as defined above, the order of selection of those employees shall be decided through applying unbiased procedures developed and directed by the Superintendent.
- Any individual(s) within the specified group who is on, or has requested, an extended leave that is not protected by Federal, State, or Local government shall be subject to the reduction under the conditions set forth herein.
- Any employee who is selected for the reduction in force shall be notified in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to the proposed effective date of such reduction in force. Such notice shall include:
- The basis for the initial decision for administrative reduction.
- The reason(s) for the selection of the individual.
- A copy of this policy.
- Notice to the individual of an opportunity to respond.
- Notice for a right of hearing before the Board, only if so required by Kansas Statute.
- An Administrator affected by this policy that is otherwise qualified will be able to choose pre-early retirement, early retirement, or retirement instead of being subjected to the reduction in force.
- Within two (2) weeks of reduction in force notification, licensed administrators who are not on a Plan of Assistance and are qualified to fill a vacant teaching position shall be given preference for filling that position.
- Within two (2) weeks of reduction in force notification, non-licensed administrators who are not on a Plan of Assistance and are qualified to fill a vacant classified position shall be given preference for filling that position.
- After implementing such a reduction procedure, the list of names of affected employees except employees who were on a Plan of Assistance or employees who retire shall be maintained for two years.
- Any person who has been non-renewed or terminated pursuant to a reduction in force shall no longer be considered an employee and shall have no employee rights or benefits, unless otherwise specified below.
- Any person who has been non-renewed or terminated pursuant to a reduction in force may retain membership in the Board health insurance group for the period of time allowable by federal law. However, the Board shall make no contribution and the person must make advance arrangements for payment of dues with the Employee Benefits & Insurance Management office.
- It is the responsibility of the affected employees to keep Human Resources informed of their current addresses and any changes in qualifications.
- If a vacancy occurs within two years for which any person named on the list qualifies as determined by Human Resources and the Superintendent or designee responsible for oversight of that position, the position shall be opened for interviews to all persons on the list who qualify to fill the position and shall be offered to the person determined through the district hiring process to be the best qualified to fill the position.
- If any person named on the list waives recall rights in writing, fails to accept recall to a position for which the person is qualified, fails to respond within ten days to a recall notice sent to the latest address which the person has furnished to Human Resources, or fails to report for duty in an accepted position, the name of such person shall be removed from the list and such person shall have no further recall rights.
- Any person who is recalled shall be entitled to all employment benefits to which administrators at the time of recall are entitled to receive. However, no benefits may be accrued during the period of unemployment and the person shall be subject to all changes in employment conditions which have been made in the interim.
Administrative Responsibility: Human Resources
Latest Revision Date: January 2020
Previous Revision Date: March 2011 P4037
Updated administratively for alignment purposes: December 2020