P4043 Joint Study Committees
- 4000 Human Resources
P4043 Joint Study Committees
Means must be provided for reviewing the relationship of employees to the conditions of their employment. The Board, administration, and employee organizations should assume the major roles in such reviews. The Superintendent of Schools and elected officers of employee organizations shall name members to an ad hoc joint study committee for each specific area where a committee study is deemed advisable.
Administrative Implemental Procedures:
- Committees shall be formed in order to study specific areas identified by the Board and employee organizations.
- General duties may include, but would not necessarily be restricted to, those listed below. Specific duties of the various committees shall be designated as the committees are formed.
- Committees will collect and review all material pertinent to the area which they are studying. Material should be drawn from sources within the school district, State of Kansas, and all other sources available to the committees.
- Once the information has been gathered, it will be assembled and presented to the Board and to the employee organizations.
- The information may be presented to the respective organizations in any form the committee sees fit.
- The statement may include such things as fact-finding reports, personal attitudes toward the area of study by the committee members, methods of solving problems within that area, and actual proposals for such solutions.
- Whatever method of report is devised by such committees does not have to indicate agreement. Where agreement does exist, it should be indicated in the document.
- Minority opinions of members should be indicated whenever such members deem advisable.
- The findings of such committees are for informational purposes only and shall not be binding on either the Board or employee organizations.
Administrative Responsibility: Human Resources
Latest Revision Date: June 2019
Previous Revision Date: July 1971 P4043