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P4600 Inservice Education

  • 4600 Staff Development
P4600 Inservice Education

Inservice education opportunities shall be provided for both certificated and classified employees. The programs offered shall be for the purposes of improving employee performance in positions already held and/or expanding employee work knowledge for possible advancement to positions of greater responsibility within the district. Learning Services shall have major responsibility for identifying needs based on Campus Improvement Plans (CIP) and Results-based Staff Development plans (RBSD) along with Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) goals of various employee groups. Learning Services will additionally serve as a resource to all assistant superintendents and school principals as they develop inservice activities, and for providing districtwide coordination of inservice activities. 

Administrative Implemental Procedures: 

  1. Inservice education programs conducted and/or sponsored by the district shall specifically relate to the district's priority goals, needs, objectives, programs and services, accountability, and evaluation. 
  2. Assistant superintendents and division directors shall work collaboratively with Learning Services in the development and presentation of inservice. 
  3. Building principals and management employees who supervise a department shall be responsible for inservice activities for employees under their supervision. For example, inservice activities for science teachers shall be the responsibility of Learning Services; for custodians, the Supervisor of Custodial Services; for school nurses, the Coordinator of Health Services, etc. 
  4. Inservice programs shall be developed and implemented in alignment with regulations or guidelines set forth by the Kansas State Department of Education and/or other appropriate regulatory agencies. For more information, see P4605 Local Inservice Education Plan. 
  5. Representatives of participants in inservice activities shall be directly involved in development of CIP goals and RBSD goals. This representative group is also responsible for the information, see P4605 Local Inservice Education Plan. 
  6. Participation by employees in specific inservice programs may be voluntary or may be required by the administration depending upon the purpose of the activity and/or the relationship of the activity to an employee's success on the job. 
  7. The expertise of the district staff shall be the primary source of leadership in conducting  inservice activities; however, arrangements may be made with colleges, universities, outside consultants, speakers, etc., for particular activities or programs that cannot reasonably be provided by the district staff. 
  8. Records of employee participation in inservice activities may be recorded and stored in an online data base for district inservice activity. 
  9. Appropriate records of an employee's participation in specific inservice activities may be included, at the discretion of the administration and/or the request of a staff person, in an employee's personnel file. 
  10. Funding sources for inservice activities may include monies from the district's budgets; special funds available at the school or department level; special grants from individuals; philanthropic foundations; local, state, and national governmental agencies; and fees charged individual participants. 
  11. All inservice funds shall be administered in accordance with approved budgeting and accounting procedures. 

Administrative Responsibility: Learning Services 

Latest Revision Date: August 2021 

Previous Revision Date: September 2006 P4600 

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