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P5114 Alternative to an Extended Suspension or Expulsion

  • 5100 Student Services
P5114 Alternative to an Extended Suspension or Expulsion

The Board appointed due process hearing officer for extended term suspensions or expulsions may place a student on probation in lieu of expelling the student guilty of an extended suspension offense or expellable offense. A student found guilty of an extended suspension offense or expellable offense shall not be placed on probation unless such placement would be in the best interest of the school district and the student. It shall be an extended suspension offense or expellable offense for a student placed on probation to willfully violate any term of the probationary agreement or any published USD 259 regulation for student conduct. 

Administrative Implemental Procedures: 

  1. A student placed on probation shall be advised in writing that while on probation the student will be subject to an extended suspension or expulsion hearing if the student willfully violates any USD 259 published regulation for student conduct. 
  2. The period of probation for a student shall be for a term set by the hearing officer, and shall not exceed 186 school days. 
  3. A student on probation retains the right to a hearing that complies with due process as set forth in the Suspension and Expulsion of Student Act (K.S.A. 1994 Supp. 72-6114) before being given an extended suspension or is expelled for any violation. This includes willful violations of any USD 259 published regulations for student conduct. 
  4. Students placed on probation, in addition to being subject to all other USD 259 regulations, shall be subject to the following: 
    1. Continuous attendance except for absences approved by the building principal or designee. 
    2. Absolute punctuality except for tardies excused by the principal or designee. 
    3. Academic achievement as set forth by the building principal or designee. 
    4. Exemplary behavior as set forth by the building principal or designee. 
  5. The building principal or designee and appropriate staff will strive to make certain the student meets the requirements set forth in AIP 4. 

Administrative Responsibility: Elementary and Secondary Education Offices 

Latest Revision Date: February 2018 

Previous Revision Date: August 2007 P5114 

Updated administratively for alignment purposes: December 2020

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