P5200 Guidance and Counseling
- 5200 Support Services
P5200 Guidance and Counseling
Guidance and counseling services are available to students in the Wichita Public Schools by properly certified guidance counselors specially trained for their work. Counselors are supervised by principals who are responsible for implementing the Wichita Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling program. Counselors are also responsible to the Division of Student Support Services administrative designee who provides technical supervision and coordinates the district-wide program in this area.
Administrative Implemental Procedures:
- Guidance and counseling is an integral part of the school program functioning as a continuous process that assists students in those areas included in the Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling program.
- Facilities for conducting guidance functions of the counseling staff shall be provided at each school.
- Consultation and inservice education for the counseling staff shall be available through the Division of Student Support Services.
- Procedures shall be established at the building level for the following:
- Referrals of students to the counselor by parents, guardians, teachers, and administrative staff
- Self-referral by students
- Counselor referrals of students to other school professionals, community resources, and local state agencies
- Follow up services on referral cases, both within the school and with community services.
- Referral of students for study and counseling include both general and special education students.
- Counselors may administer, interpret, and utilize results of certain individual tests within guidelines established by the department.
- The counseling staff will provide information and interpretation of Basic Test and approved supplementary individual test data. Such information and interpretive data may be supplied to administrative staff, teachers, and parents within the guidelines set forth in policies relating to student records.
- Counselors are members of the support staff in the various buildings and assist in the screening and pre-assessment and evaluation activities of the Child Study Team.
- In addition, guidance services are to include:
- Counseling of individual students and small group counseling activities
- Guidance activities for classrooms, large groups and small groups
- Individual conferences for students and their lawful custodian(s) when requested by them or by school staff
- Consultation for administrative and teaching staffs
- Maintenance of the confidentiality of counselor records relating to students
- Supervision of paraprofessional guidance personnel when such personnel are assigned to the school.
Administrative Responsibility: Student Support Services
Latest Revision Date: July 2011
Previous Revision Date: March 1999 P5200
Updated administratively for alignment purposes: January 2021