P5309 Communicable Disease Control and Prevention
- 5300 Health Services
P5309 Communicable Disease Control and Prevention
It is the responsibility of the Health Services staff to implement regulations and inform students, parents, and school personnel of the regulations pertaining to the control of communicable diseases as established and printed by the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment and the Sedgwick County Health Department.
Administrative Implemental Procedures:
- Current state and local health regulations on communicable disease control which include a list of communicable diseases shall be available in all school health rooms.
- Students or school staff members suspected of having a communicable disease will be excluded from school according to the current printed state and local health regulations. (See also BOE Policy 5311 - Exclusion of Persons, Communicable Disease.)
- When recommended by the Health Department, parents will be notified by the approved printed illness notice when a case of a common communicable disease is reported to the school. Distribution will be determined by the Health Services in consultation with the Sedgwick County Health Department.
- Vaccine-preventable communicable diseases will be handled individually. The Coordinator of Health Services or their designee will consult with the Director of the Sedgwick County Health Department or their designee for recommendations to the schools for controlling the spread of the disease. The Coordinator will work with the building principal and school nurse to implement the Health Department recommendations.
- Cooperative case-finding and disease surveillance will be conducted in collaboration with the Health Department. Information regarding students and staff with suspected reportable diseases will be shared with local or state Health Department authorities as mandated by KSA 65-118; diseases as designed in KAR 28-1-2.
Administrative Responsibility: Student Support Services
Latest Revision Date: July 2011
Previous Revision Date: March 1999 P5309
Updated administratively for alignment purposes: January 2021