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P5318 Treatment of Student Allergies

  • 5300 Health Services
P5318 Treatment of Student Allergies

Management of student allergies that may require emergency treatment will be through a team approach of parent or guardian, student, and district staff including, but not limited to, the building administrator, school nurse, and classroom teacher. When appropriate, the team may also include other district staff, such as Environmental Services, Nutrition Services, counselor, physical education teacher, lunchroom supervisor or others. 

Administrative Implemental Procedures 

  1. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to notify the school nurse or building administrator of allergies that may result in a medical condition requiring intervention and/or accommodation at school.  
  2. The school nurse or building administrator, upon notification of the allergy, will provide the Parent’s Report of Health Concern form to the parent or guardian. Because no further action can be taken without additional information, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to complete and return the Parent’s Report of Health Concern form to the school nurse or building administrator.  
    1. If a student is identified as having a food allergy, the school nurse will make the appropriate Nutrition Services form available to the parent or guardian.  It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to forward and/or return completed forms to Nutrition Services. 
  3. The school nurse, in collaboration with the building administrator and selected district staff, parent or guardian, and student (if appropriate) will plan for the care of the student in the event of an allergic reaction.  
  4. The school nurse will develop an Individual Health Care Plan and will provide training to relevant staff with information regarding symptoms, reactions and directives for emergency procedures.  
  5. The school nurse will provide general information to all school staff regarding allergies and allergic reactions.   
  6. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to provide any medication(s) and/or supplies required by the student in accordance with P5316 - Administering Medication During School Hours and/or P5317 - Prescribed Special Health Care Services.  

The Board attorney has approved this policy in form and content. 

Administrative Responsibility: Student Support Services 

Latest Revision Date: July 2011  

Previous Revision Date: June 2004 P5318 

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