P5414 Instructional Programs in Psychiatric/Substance Abuse Units in Hospitals
- 5400 Special Education
P5414 Instructional Programs in Psychiatric/Substance Abuse Units in Hospitals
Special instruction for students confined for an extended period of time in a hospital psychiatric/substance abuse units is provided by a hospital program teacher in accordance with Kansas statutes and regulations.
Administrative Implemental Procedures:
- The student’s school is responsible for implementing the appropriate district procedures as provided by the Homebound/Hospital office as described in BOE Policy 5424 - Homebound and Hospitalized Instruction for Students.
- Student Support Services cooperates with the various community hospitals which have adolescent psychiatric/substance abuse units. Such cooperation involves the allocation of one or more part time homebound/hospital program teachers to each community hospital operating an adolescent psychiatric/substance abuse unit and requesting the assignment of such teachers from the school district.
- Student Support Services reviews with the appropriate hospital administrator the specific needs and conditions relating to the proposed hospital program. These reviews lead to an agreement which includes the scheduled time of instruction by the special education teachers; their working relationships with students, nurses, doctors, and hospital administrators; the general adjunctive and/or therapeutic components of the instructional effort; the sources from which supervision comes, etc.
- Student Support Services functions as the principal of teachers assigned in this program.
Administrative Responsibility: Student Support Services
Latest Revision Date: September 1997
Previous Revision Date: July 1994 P5414
Updated administratively for alignment purposes: January 2021