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P6001 Instructional Delivery

  • 6000 Learning Services
P6001 Instructional Delivery

Each instructional site is responsible for teaching the state academic standards and indicators for the designated grade level. Instructional delivery is research-based best practice. Alternative instruction, including interventions, must be provided when appropriate assessment data indicates that a student does not have the prerequisite knowledge/skills for the next learning. 

Administrative Implemental Procedures: 

  1. Instruction is based on a diagnosis of student needs. Data for diagnosis will come from both formative and summative assessments. 
  2. Staff at each instructional site will work cooperatively with Learning Services on the implementation and delivery of standards-based curriculum using researched best practice. 
  3. Selected instructional materials will be aligned with and support the grade- and/or course-level standards and indicators. 
  4. Principals are responsible for ensuring that all teachers are adhering to the adopted standards-based curriculum and using research-based instructional strategies and materials. 
  5. Formative and summative assessments provide continuous feedback on student achievement of the level and/or course standards. 
  6. Students will demonstrate prerequisite knowledge, skills, and applications for essential next learning prior to moving forward in the comprehensive curriculum. 
  7. Alternative instruction/intervention may include, but is not limited to, a variety of reteaching strategies in the classroom, restructured day, extended day, technological assistance, tutoring, special education programming, and/or extended year. Multiple approaches must be attempted to meet student needs. 
  8. Results of individual student performance on the standards are reported to lawful custodians and students at regular intervals throughout the school year. 
  9. The instructional site works cooperatively with Learning Services in the implementation of the curriculum program. The student will be referred to the building preassessment team to investigate the possibility of special programming if the use of multiple, alternative instructional strategies/interventions do not result in learning. If special programming is determined to not be appropriate, then retention may be discussed after consultation with this team, lawful custodian(s), teacher, principal or designee, and/or the student. 

Administrative Responsibility: Learning Services 

Latest Revision Date: September 2006 

Previous Revision Date: March 1999 P6001 

Updated administratively for alignment purposes: March 2021 

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