P6332 Promotion - Elementary to Middle School, Middle School to High School
- 6250 Instruction
Students who, on the basis of objective measures of academic proficiency, can reasonably be expected to meet the instructional/learning objectives at the next educational level may be promoted.
Administrative Implemental Procedures:
Elementary to Middle School
Fifth grade students who have satisfactorily mastered state elementary level instructional/ learning objectives will be promoted to the sixth grade.
Fifth grade students whose academic achievement levels seriously jeopardize their chances of meeting middle school instructional/learning objectives will be considered for retention. In addition to academic achievement levels, the following factors will be considered:
Recommendation of the teacher and other members of the Child Study Team
Social and physical development
Chronological age
Parental cooperation
The elementary school principal has the final authority for promotion to the middle school.
Middle School to High School
The promotion of a middle school student to a high school will be done in accordance with administrative implemental procedures listed above for students promoted from elementary to middle school.
Eighth grade students whose academic achievement levels seriously jeopardize their chances of meeting high school instructional/learning objectives will be considered for retention. In addition to academic achievement levels, the following factors will be considered:
Teachers’ recommendations
Social and physical development
Chronological age
Parental cooperation
The middle school principal has the final authority for promotion to the high school.
Administrative Responsibility: Learning Services
Latest Revision Date: August 2006
Previous Revision Date: July 1994 P6332
Updated administratively for alignment purposes: March 2021