P6333 Graduation Rule and Diplomas
- 6250 Instruction
Students may graduate from high school and be issued a credit-based diploma whenever the principal determines that the student has met the requirements for graduation established by the Board of Education. A high school principal will administer the issuance of high school diplomas to students meeting graduation requirements.
Administrative Implemental Procedures Class of 2024-2027:
High school graduation requirements for the credit-based diploma:
The minimum requirement for a Wichita high school credit-based diploma is 23 units of credit. This includes credits earned in approved high school programs for students enrolled in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12. Definition: Depending on the course and nature of course delivery, units of credit will be awarded in increments of one full (1.0), one-half (.5), or one-quarter (.25) credit.
Fifteen and one half (15.5) units of credit required for graduation include:
Four (4) units of credit in English. English 1, English 2 or AP Seminar, and English 3 or Advanced Placement Language are required.
One (1) Unit of credit for English 4 must be earned in the final two semesters prior to graduation. Classes that constitute English 4 include:
English 4
A combination of two of the following one-semester courses: English Literature, World Literature, Modern Literature, Multicultural Literature, Women’s Literature, English Composition, and Professional Literature & Writing
Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition or AP Language
Three (3) units of credit in Social Studies. Units must include study in U.S. History 1 (one unit), U.S. History 2 (one unit), U.S. Government (one-half unit), and World Studies (one-half unit). World History fulfills the World Studies requirement.
Three (3) units of credit in Mathematics, which may include:
Foundations of Algebra*
Algebra 1, Geometry, Intermediate Algebra*, Math Applications*, Algebra 2, Algebra 3, PreCalc, or AP Math Courses (* denotes Courses NOT for Qualified Admissions)
Three (3) units of credit in Natural Science courses in course numbers 4000-4999.
One (1) unit of credit in Physical Education and Health Foundations or Modified Physical Education.
One (1) unit of credit in Fine Arts, which may include art, music, dance, theatre, and forensics. In addition, the following courses will fulfill the Fine Arts credit:
Introduction to Drawing and Design
Principles of Illustration
Graphic Design
Photo Imaging
Essentials of Interior and Textile Design
Web Page Design
Digital Media Project Management
Work-based Experience – Digital Media Project Management
Work-based Experience – Media Tech & Graphic Design
.5 unit of credit in Financial Literacy. This credit must be completed in the Junior or Senior year.
Seven and one half (7.5) units of elective credit must be earned, with at least .5 unit of elective credit coming from a KSDE approved Career and Technical Education Pathway. Specific information on courses offerings can be found in the Program of Studies as maintained by Learning Services.
Substitution or waiver of credit:
Students with disabilities receiving special education services may earn graduate credit in courses as specified in the transition plan course of study on an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Students who qualify for ESOL instruction may earn up to 2.0 units of credit in ESOL courses toward the four-credit language arts requirement. These students must also earn credit in English 2 and English 3.
The principal may waive one unit of elective credit.
The required unit of credit in Physical Education may be waived upon a statement by a licensed physician that a student is mentally or physically incapable of participating in a regular or modified Physical Education program or when the requirement is contrary to the religious teachings of the student. A written statement, signed by a lawful custodian of the student, shall be filed with the proper authorities of the school.
The principal may waive up to one unit of English credit if the principal determines that a pupil can profit more by taking another subject.
Options available for meeting established requirements for students with extenuating circumstances:
Students may graduate from high schools with the minimum number of required units of credit listed by the Kansas State Department of Education and/or the minimum number of required units approved by the Board of Education.
Students who attend a special school or an alternative school or program that is designed to meet individual needs and developed with administrative approval may graduate based on the Kansas State Department of Education graduation requirements.
Students participating in the adult learners program whose four- and five-year cohort group have graduated may graduate based on the Kansas State Department of Education graduation requirements.
Students enrolled in a comprehensive high school who have extenuating circumstances may apply to their building administration for an individualized graduation plan adhering to the Kansas State Department of Education graduation requirements.
The Superintendent and/or Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Schools must approve any option not listed in this AIP 2.
To receive a diploma from a specific attendance center, a student must have been officially enrolled at that school. A Wichita High School diploma may be issued by Student Records and Enrollment Services for eligible students meeting Unified School District 259 graduation requirements.
Diplomas will generally be issued at the graduation ceremony to seniors who participate. Exceptions may occur as follows:
Early Graduation: Senior students who meet all graduation requirements may request that the diploma be issued at midterm of their senior year (seven regular semester minimum) according to the prescribed plan of the school.
Timely Graduation: Students who are unable or choose not to participate in graduation exercises may be issued the diploma by mail or in person at the school office.
Late Graduation: Students may request the diploma at any time after the regular graduation date as soon as graduation requirements have been met.
Administrative Implemental Procedures Class of 2028+:
High school graduation requirements for the credit-based diploma:
The minimum requirement for a Wichita high school credit-based diploma is 23 units of credit. This includes credits earned in approved high school programs for students enrolled in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12. Definition: Depending on the course and nature of course delivery, units of credit will be awarded in increments of one full (1.0), one-half (.5), or one-quarter (.25) credit.
Sixteen and one half (16.5) units of credit required for graduation include:
Three and one half (3.5) units of credit in English.
English 1, English 2 or AP Seminar, and English 3 or AP Language are required, which constitutes three credits (3.0).
One-half (0.5) unit of credit of English 4 must be earned during one of the final two semesters prior to graduation. Please note that in order to meet the requirements for Qualified Admissions and/or NCAA Division 1, student will need to complete one full (1.0) unit of credit for English 4. Classes that constitute English 4 include:
One full (1.0) unit of credit courses: English 4 or AP Literature
One-half (0.5) unit of credit courses: English Literature, World Literature, Modern Literature, Multicultural Literature, Women’s Literature, English Composition, and Professional Literature & Writing
One-half (0.5) unit of credit in communications, which may include:
Debate, Forensics, Speech, Drama, Professional Communications, 21st Century Journalism, Business Communications, Media and Public Relations, or Public Speaking
Three (3.0) units of credit in Social Studies.
World History (0.5), U.S. History (1.0), and U.S. Government (0.5) are required, which constitutes two credits (2.0).
One (1.0) additional unit of credit in Social Studies, which may include topics of world history, US history, geography, economics, sociology, and psychology.
Three (3.0) units of credit in Mathematics, which may include:
Foundations of Algebra*, Algebra 1, Geometry, Intermediate Algebra*, Math Applications*, Algebra 2, Algebra 3, Pre-Calculus, or AP Math Courses (* denotes Courses NOT for Qualified Admissions)
Three (3.0) units of credit in natural science courses in course numbers 4000-4999.
One-half (0.5) unit of credit in Physical Education or Modified Physical Education.
One-half (0.5) unit of credit in Health Foundations.
One (1.0) unit of credit in Fine Arts, which may include art, music, dance, theatre, and forensics. In addition, the following courses will fulfill the Fine Arts credit:
Introduction to Drawing and Design
Principles of Illustration
Graphic Design
Photo Imaging
Essentials of Interior and Textile Design
Web Page Design
Digital Media Project Management
Work-based Experience - Digital Media Project Management
Work-based Experience – Media Tech & Graphic Design
One-half (0.5) unit of credit in Financial Literacy. This credit must be completed in the Junior or Senior year.
One (1.0) unit of credit in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), which may include a fourth credit of Mathematics, a fourth credit of Science, or technical and application-level courses from any Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathway (specific courses can be found on the CTE and Learning Services sections of the district website).
Six and one half (6.5) units of elective credit must be earned, aligned to the Individual Plan of Study (IPS). Specific information on course offerings can be found in the Program of Studies as maintained by Learning Services.
Two or more postsecondary assets aligned with the student’s IPS. The list of eligible postsecondary assets can be found on the Learning Services section of the district website.
Substitution or waiver of credit:
Students with disabilities receiving special education services may earn graduate credit in courses or post-secondary assets as specified in the transition plan course of study on an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Students who qualify for ESOL instruction may earn up to 2.0 units of credit in ESOL courses toward the four-credit language arts requirement. These students must also earn credit in English 2 and English 3.
The principal may waive one unit of elective credit, not including STEM credit.
The required unit of credit in Physical Education may be waived upon a statement by a licensed physician that a student is mentally or physically incapable of participating in a regular or modified Physical Education program or when the requirement is contrary to the religious teachings of the student. A written statement, signed by a lawful custodian of the student, shall be filed with the proper authorities of the school.
The principal may waive up to one unit of English credit if the principal determines that a pupil can profit more by taking another subject.
Options available for meeting established requirements for students with extenuating circumstances:
Students may graduate from high schools with the minimum number of required units of credit listed by the Kansas State Department of Education and/or the minimum number of required units approved by the Board of Education.
Students who attend a special school or an alternative school or program that is designed to meet individual needs and developed with administrative approval may graduate based on the Kansas State Department of Education graduation requirements.
Students participating in the adult learners program whose four- and five-year cohort group have graduated may graduate based on the Kansas State Department of Education graduation requirements.
Students enrolled in a comprehensive high school who have extenuating circumstances may apply to their building administration for an individualized graduation plan adhering to the Kansas State Department of Education graduation requirements.
The Superintendent and/or Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Schools must approve any option not listed in this AIP 2.
To receive a diploma from a specific attendance center, a student must have been officially enrolled at that school. A Wichita High School diploma may be issued by Student Records and Enrollment Services for eligible students meeting Unified School District 259 graduation requirements.
Diplomas will generally be issued at the graduation ceremony to seniors who participate. Exceptions may occur as follows:
Early Graduation: Senior students who meet all graduation requirements may request that the diploma be issued at midterm of their senior year (seven regular semester minimum) according to the prescribed plan of the school.
Timely Graduation: Students who are unable or choose not to participate in graduation exercises may be issued the diploma by mail or in person at the school office.
Late Graduation: Students may request the diploma at any time after the regular graduation date as soon as graduation requirements have been met.
Administrative Responsibility: Secondary Education Office Latest Revision Date: March 2024
Previous Revision Date: November 2023 P6333