P6430 Library Media and Textbook Services Department
- 6400 Curriculum
The Library Media and Textbook Services Department should be organized to meet effectively the needs of students, teachers, parents, and other community members. The Library Media and Textbook Services Department is responsible for the school library media program and acquisition of textbooks and curriculum resources.
Administrative Implemental Procedures:
The Library Media and Textbook Services Department promotes the sharing of ideas/resources on a district-wide basis for optimum use of library media. The department facilitates the acquisition and distribution of textbooks and curriculum resources for the district.
The department assists library media staff and teachers in collaborating together to promote student learning.
Library Media and Textbook Services: Orders, receives, verifies, and distributes library, textbook and curriculum resources
Processes library materials, textbooks and curriculum resources by adding materials to the online automation system
Maintains library/textbook/multimedia online automation system
Assists the district library media staff and textbook managers with various campus support services
Receives newly published media from vendors for examination by district staff and external customers
Circulates multimedia, upon request, from the district’s multimedia library
Assists Learning Services in locating and evaluating print, non-print and electronic media
Provides professional duties for district libraries that do not have certified librarians
Provides instructional support and professional development activities for district library media staff and textbook managers
Provides copyright information
Administrative Responsibility: Learning Services
Latest Revision Date: January 2014
Previous Revision Date: June 2006 P6430
Updated administratively for alignment purposes: March 2021