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P6431 General Criteria for Selection of Library Media

  • 6400 Curriculum
P6431 General Criteria for Selection of Library Media

Learning Services is responsible for the development of general criteria for the selection of all library media. 

Administrative Implemental Procedures: 

  1. Objectives of selection for the Library Media Center 

    1. To provide materials that will enrich, vitalize, support, and implement the curriculum, taking into consideration the varied interests, socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds, abilities, and maturity levels of the students served. 

    2. To provide media that will shape the learning environment, stimulate growth in factual knowledge, literary appreciation, cultural and aesthetic values, and ethical standards. 

    3. To provide a fundamental part of the educational process and a background of information, which will enable students to develop an intellectual integrity in forming judgments. 

    4. To provide resources with diversity of appeal and on opposing sides of controversial issues so that young citizens may develop under guidance the practice of critical analysis of all media. 

    5. To provide materials which reflect the ideas and beliefs of religious, ethnic, social, political, and historical groups and their contribution to culture and American and global heritage. 

    6. To place principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in the selection of materials in order to assure a comprehensive collection appropriate for the users of the Library Media Center. 

  2. Responsibility for selection of materials 

    1. Selection of library media involves principals, teachers, students, and library media specialists. 

    2. The responsibility for coordinating the selection of resources and making the recommendation for purchase rests with the professionally trained library media personnel. 

  3. Guidelines for choosing media 

    1. Needs of the individual school based on knowledge of the instructional program and of the existing collection are given first consideration. 

    2. Materials for purchase are considered on the basis of overall purpose; timeliness or permanence; importance of the subject matter; quality of the writing and production; readability and popular appeal; authoritativeness; format and price; reputation and significance of the author, artist, composer, producer, and publisher. 

    3. Library media is examined for fair and objective presentations of sensitive subjects at the maturity level for which selected. 

    4. Requests from faculty and students are solicited. 

  1. Procedures for selection 

    1. The library media specialist evaluates the existing collection and uses the Library  Media Services On-Line Order Catalog when placing an order for library materials. The library media specialist may also consult reputable publisher catalogs for the selection process. Orders are submitted via computer files and ordered electronically, expediting purchasing, receiving and cataloging procedures, preventing duplication of personnel efforts and facilitating the processing of media. Teachers and students are encouraged to make suggestions for purchase to ensure optimum utilization. 

    2. The library media specialist judges gift materials by basic selection standards, replaces missing, worn items, and outdated items as needed, and selects free and inexpensive materials which meet the general selection criteria. Individuals or groups from an outside agency desiring to have materials distributed to schools must first receive clearance through Curriculum and Instruction Design.  

  2. Challenged materials 

    1. The principal, the Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction Design, and the Supervisor of Library Media and Textbook Services are to be informed when resources are challenged. 

    2. The complainant is to file any objections in writing as provided by the Professional Board of Review and carry out the suggestions as indicated 

    3. The individual receiving the complaint is to make no commitments, but is to be courteous. 

    4. The Professional Board of Review will consider the principles of freedom to read and the professional responsibility of the staff in reaching its decision. 

    5. Even though occasional objections to a selection will be made, a wide selection of materials to meet the needs of the curriculum will be developed by the library media specialist. 

    6. Library Media and Textbook Services will maintain a selection authority source file. 

Administrative Responsibility: Learning Services 

Latest Revision Date: June 2006 

Previous Revision Date: March 1999 P6431 

Updated administratively for alignment purposes: March 2021 


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