P6455 Human Growth and Development
- 6400 Curriculum
Human growth and development concepts shall be taught in the classrooms of Unified School District 259 as an integral part of the regular course of study at the elementary level, and as special instructional units or separate subjects at the secondary levels.
Administrative Implemental Procedures:
The scope, sequence, and continuity for curricular programs of human growth and development will be developed and taught in accordance with the following objectives:
To help each child grow in the aspects of wholesome living which relate to being a good family member. These aspects include loyalty, love, and appreciation of family.
To make available factual information that will help children acquire knowledge which will be of value to them in the development of wholesome interpersonal relations and in building their future lives.
To develop a reverence for life and an awareness of one's responsibility for the preservation and enrichment of life through wholesome human relationships.
To make available for the individual information that will help their develop an adequate knowledge of their own physical, mental, social, and emotional maturation as related to family living and social development, and an understanding of the uniqueness of individual growth.
To develop the use of scientific terminology in reference to parts of the body and bodily functions.
To work with parents in helping them to understand better their role in the child's total development.
(Please see committee listing at end of this policy.)
The District Committee will be formed by Learning Services and the Assistant Superintendent of Learning Services. This committee will preview, evaluate, and approve Human Growth and Development instructional material (such as, but not limited to curriculum, speakers, videos, pamphlets).
Information concerning human growth and development for all students in the Wichita Public Schools.
Subject matter and instructional materials which have been recommended by the District Human Growth and Development Committee.
Special bibliographies listing the instructional media selected and approved for usage will be maintained by the Library Media and Textbook Services for approved instruction.
All materials in the human growth and development programs will be made available through Learning Services for examination by the public.
Factual concepts concerning the emotional, physical, and social development of students.
Activities involving usage of medically-accurate vocabulary so students learn to express themselves accurately and appropriately.
Information which will help students in their relationships with one another.
Learning Services will be responsible for: the organization of workshops to develop the curriculum for human growth and development instruction; approval of all curriculum; and inservice education of teachers.
The school principal shall be responsible for implementing instructional programs in human growth and development.
The school principal shall be responsible for the continuous assessment of community attitudes and the development of acceptance and support of educational programs.
Upon a written request of lawful custodian(s) “Opt-in” form, students may participate in preplanned sections of the human growth and development curriculum.
The school principal shall assume continuous responsibility for the initiation of necessary inservice activities for teachers and community activities for school patrons and other interested groups.
The school principal shall be responsible, in accordance with established Board of Education policies, to make provisions regarding visitations and examinations of instructional material by school patrons.
The school principal shall be responsible for working cooperatively with the School Building Committee and other professional groups to achieve the objectives of this program.
Individual counseling regarding human growth and development concepts will be a shared responsibility of school counselors, teachers, and other appropriate professional school personnel.
Professional school personnel will stress the importance of parents, clergy, family doctor, and appropriate agencies as sources of information for students.
School nurses shall serve as resource persons for teachers in the area of human growth and development.
Learning Services, in cooperation with school principals and curriculum coaches, will select and assign specially prepared secondary teachers for human growth and development instruction.
- 1 Science Curriculum Coach
- 1 Curriculum Coach
- 1 Teaching Specialist
- 2 Elementary, Secondary School Teachers/Nurses
- 2 Middle School Science Teachers
- 2 High School PE Teachers
- 1 Board of Education Member
- 1 Elementary Administrator
- 1 Middle School Administrator
- 1 High School Administrator
- 1 PE Curriculum Coach
- 2 Family and Consumer Science Teachers
- Site Council Members – 1 parent each from elementary, middle, and high school
- 1 Sedgwick County Health Department representative
Administrative Responsibility: Learning Services
Latest Revision Date: March 2013
Previous Revision Date: June 2011 P6455
Updated administratively for alignment purposes: March 2021