P6730 Social Studies Education
- 6400 Curriculum
The social studies program for the Wichita Public Schools is designed to give students perspectives on their own life experiences so they see themselves as a part of the larger human adventure in time and place. An understanding of world history, geography, economics, and political and social institutions, coupled with the knowledge of the traditions and values of the people of the United States as it is expressed in our unity and diversity, is central to the curriculum. This program is devoted to developing citizens who possess the critical attitudes and analytical perspectives needed to understand the situation in which they find themselves, and to act appropriately.
Administrative Implemental Procedures:
Learning Services provides consultant services, inservice experiences, and coordination of the social studies program.
Funds for purchase of materials for the social studies program may be secured from the per student allocations received by each building and from the equipment budget for those items listed as social studies equipment and audiovisual equipment.
A criteria committee is established to provide guidelines and criteria for adoption of textbooks and materials for the textbook adoption.
The textbook selection committee, composed of teachers from all grade levels, evaluates and studies the social studies program and recommends for adoption those textbooks and materials that are consistent with the guidelines and criteria committee.
Experimental and/or pilot programs may be initiated by teachers, principals, and/or curriculum personnel after authorization by the coordinator and other appropriate administrative personnel.
Guidelines for the time allocations for the middle and high school schools are in BOE Policy 1225 – Organization of the School Day – Middle and High Schools, and P6333 – Graduation Rule. Principals will ensure that recommended time allotments and class hours are maintained at the middle and high school levels.
The administration and supervision of the social studies program within each middle and high school building is the responsibility of the principal, but the departmental coordinator will assist the department’s teachers, through guidance and advice, in the application and development of the middle and high school social studies program.
Administrative Responsibility: Learning Services
Latest Revision Date: September 2006
Previous Revision Date: July 1994 P6730